The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,178

he spat viciously against my cheek, his fingers diving deep into my core as his other hand pinched at my nipple. “And I lied,” he continued, and whatever was left of my heart splintered into a million irretrievable pieces.

I knew.

I knew in that moment what he lied about.

Luca slid another finger into my body and the wet noises echoing in the room added to the shame of it all. “I was never going to let you go, Remy,” he said, confirming my worst fears. Or maybe my greatest hopes. I didn’t know anymore. I couldn’t trust what I was feeling because I felt broken. “I’ll never let you go,” he added. “I will never let you be free of me because I’ll never be free of you.” Luca pulled his fingers from my body and, grabbing my hips, placed me on my feet and turned me around to face him.

I closed my eyes, tears falling, and gave up.

My entire resolve crumbled in weakness and desire and confusion.

When I opened my eyes, Luca was looking at me like he was in love with me. He was looking at me like nothing else in the world existed. He was looking at me in a way I knew no one else ever would.

His hands went to the hem of my shirt, and he slipped it over my head, leaving me naked before him. I stood there as he started removing his clothes. With each garment discarded, Luca would lean forward and press his lips to my flesh.

A kiss on my stomach.

A kiss on my waist.

A kiss on my breast.

I had to take a step back when he finally stood up to remove his pants. When he stood before me completely naked, he reached out and cradled the back of my head, bringing my lips to his. And in the final showmanship of ownership, in the final stamp of approval, in the final bid for dominance, he said, “Get on your knees, Remy.” His lips skimmed my cheek as they traveled to my ear. “Get on your knees, baby, and suck my dick until you swallow every last fucking drop.”

I dropped to my knees.

I wrapped my hand around as much as I could and took him into my mouth and as far down my throat as possible. He rumbled out his approval from above me, but I didn’t look up to see the satisfaction. I worked his cock with my hand and mouth and lost myself in the pleasure it brought me. It didn’t take me long to forget everything demeaning about the lessons Luca was teaching me tonight. Soon, I was relaxing my throat, so I could take him down further. Soon, I was moaning around his length. Soon, the tears that were streaming down my face were from his brute force and not from sadness or confusion.

“Remy, baby, I’m going to cum…” he warned after awhile, and I planted my hands against the tattooed muscles of this thighs, so he could fuck my mouth. Letting him control the stroke, he flooded my mouth with ropes of his hot seed. “Fucking swallow it, baby,” he growled, and I did. I let him empty himself completely and I didn’t miss a single drop.

When he pulled out, I looked up at him, and he just shook his head. I wasn’t sure what to make of that, but I let it go when he reached down and lifted me up by my shoulders. Luca’s lips crashed on mine and my mind went back to the night he said he didn’t like to taste his own cum. Somehow, I knew this was different, though. Where we were now was somewhere dark and dangerous and I wasn’t sure if either of us would make it out of here alive.

Luca pulled back and when he did, he delivered his final blow. “I love you, Remy,” he said, his black eyes alive with truth, love, and commitment. “I’m in love with you and I need you to understand that for the absolute truth that it is because…” He took a deep breath and I knew his next words would only be those of a psychopath. “I’ll kill you before I ever let you leave me, Remy. I will burn this fucking city to the ground with you and everyone in it if you ever leave me. And I will decimate anyone who ever tries to take you from me.” He dropped his forehead to mine. “You hold the entire fate Copyright 2016 - 2024