Holt's Holding (Part One) - By A Dagmara Page 0,34

for the other and by default break a heart we had no intention of breaking. Maybe it was better this way. I need to get him out of my system.

The cab circling around the entrance to power plant came to a stop. Paying for my fair, I noticed the appraised eyes of the Cab Driver. Stepping from the taxi, I closed the door as Charlie’s assessment of my current attire resonated. Suddenly I felt uncomfortable. Charlie was right I looked like I was looking.

Shaking my head again, what seemed like a new habit forming, I laughed at myself as I made my way to the restaurant.

Nodding to the security detail, I knew them all. Baltimore was feeling very small to me all of the sudden. Finally, in the restaurant, I located Sam, already seat and waiting for me. Looking to the table my smile was instant; she had a martini waiting for me.

Shifting her head to the side, she was quick to read my mood. Shit, was I really becoming this readable to everyone? I was losing it.

I sat down, was quick to grab the martini, and sucked it down whole.

“Are you ok Lil?” Sam perched her arms up and crossed on the table as she waited for an answer.

“I’m fine, nothing that some more alcohol can’t fix.” I responded. Looking around, I located the waiter raising my now empty glass.

“Anything you want to share?” Her eyes were beseeching.

“Honestly, nothing to share Sam. I just had a weird experience not worth discussing.” It was more than weird, it was scaring the shit out of me.

“Ok then.” She smiled “Brady called, and said he would be here shortly. I hope you don’t mind that I didn’t say no?” I couldn’t tell if she was excited to see him or if she was trying to hide it from me.

“Of course not Sam. I expected to see him tonight.” I smiled noticing how nervous she suddenly became. Yeah, she had it bad.

“Oh good. I wasn’t sure if this was exclusively us,” She offered in relief.

“When do I do exclusive Sam?” and with that we both laughed. It was clear we were laughing at my expense. For the first time I realized how sad I was…so closed off. “Inaccessible” circled around in my head.

I was closed off with a purpose…a purpose that I would not abandon and not now. Reminding myself of my goals, typically helped. Then again, I made myself too fucking accessible to a man, that didn’t have a right to peak this desire from me. The anger creped in once more. How the fuck, did I let my guards down this easily? I knew who Charlie was, though I’ve been pretending to be ignorant. I know that Charlie is actually Prescott Charles Vaihn, Jr., and he was my enemy, not to mention the other partner of Vaihn Enterprises. If he only had a clue who I really was. Eight years of planning and setting this all up, I can’t lose myself now. Laughing internally, I was screwed.

I understood the tight rope I walked. Reeling in foolish emotions was important. The idea of letting go, and falling for anyone especially someone like Charlie, would do nothing but hurt me in the end. My planning and purpose can’t be abandoned just because he was an incredible fuck. Hell, his reputation was clearly one that he earned.

Brady came in quick and kissed my cheek, greeting Sam in the same manor. Taking his seat, he looked to me quizzically, as I pulled myself out of my own thoughts. Brady was the one person who knew all my secrets and the only one I trusted. He could read me like a book with one glance, as I could him. I suppose years of knowing someone will do that.

“Everything ok?” He stared my way then shifted quickly between Sam and me.

In a crooked smile, I looked to him and nodded.

“Exactly as it should be,” I offered raising my glass to my lips. I didn’t want him to worry that I was off track. This was temporary in my opinion. I just needed a moment to shift gears.

He smiled back nodding, however, his little eyebrow raise was more of a question that he knew I couldn’t answer, at least not at the moment.

Dinner seemed to fly by as we laughed and carried on. This was the normal I needed.

Paying the bill, we left the restaurant. The heat of the night was thick and welcome. Walking thru the line,

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