His Princess - Stacy Gail Page 0,47

to the small gathering inside Gilded Swan’s ballroom, festooned with every autumnal flower Joelle and Alice had been able to get their hands on, “we've always had each other to lean on, but I knew a day would come when she would find her destined soulmate. Luckily, the destined soulmate she found is freaking loaded, so I am more than thrilled to welcome my new brother, Gus Bloch, to the family.” Grinning, Felix raised his champagne glass. “Cheers to the happy couple.”

“He's kidding,” Joelle hastened to whisper to Gus, seated beside her, and she placed her hand over his. The new diamond-encrusted gold wedding band and the five-carat diamond engagement ring caught so much light it was a wonder the entire wedding party wasn’t blinded by it. “My little brother might have had the same etiquette lessons that I did while growing up, but he’s still a classless idiot.”

“If lame jokes are as bad as your brother ever gets, I’ve got no complaints.” Smiling, Gus leaned over and kissed the side of her neck while the guests seated at a dozen or so round tables set up within the ballroom raised their glasses. Most of the guests were friends of the Fielding family or from her work, while Gus had invited a good portion of his clientele list. There were only a few people there whom he considered true friends, including a priest and several nuns from St. Ambrose. The Archbishop of Chicago presided over the ceremony itself, something she still couldn’t quite comprehend, especially since it was such short notice. But when Gus explained that the archdiocese was also one of his clients, it all became much clearer.

Her man had connections in high places.


“Hey, Gus.” Felix wandered over to where they sat after the official toasts were done and the five-piece band started warming up. Her brother looked so dashing in his tux, his pale blonde hair buzzed on the sides and full up top, and as she looked at him, she had to fight the urge to cry. If only their parents had lived to see how happy and thriving she and Felix were now. “I know this probably isn’t the right time to talk business, but I’ve got a great deal cooking on the horizon. Rumor has it, the gym where I work out is going up for sale soon, and I’m thinking we could get in on the ground floor of that sweet little money-maker—”

“Hey, you. Are you bothering the happy couple?” Alice came from behind Felix and pretended to get him in an arm-lock that ultimately grew into a hug. “Let Jo and Gus get their first dance under their belt before you start acting like the third-wheel kid brother that you are.”

“You know, I’m really starting to like that foster sister of yours,” Gus remarked once Alice had dragged Felix away to the open bar. “She got anyone in her life right now? It just so happens I’ve got a pal who owns a Jaguar dealership across from Oak Park Country Club. I think they’d make a good fit.”

She gaped at him. “Are you legit wanting to set Alice up with one of your friends?”

He lifted a shoulder. “What’s wrong with that?”

“I never imagined you as the type who would play Cupid.” But it was adorable that he wanted to.

Again he shifted a shoulder before giving a signal to the wedding singer. “Like I said, I like Alice, and I want her to know how crazy-happy you can be when you find your other half.”

“My husband is so sweet.” Joelle leaned over to kiss him as the band began to play. “I can’t imagine who could possibly be a match for Alice, but then I’m bad at that sort of thing. I never imagined I’d ever find a man like you—the most perfect man in the world for me. I can only hope I’ll always be the perfect woman for you.”

“Not exactly a worry, my lady.”

“I just hope you don’t regret marrying me so quickly,” she added, giving voice to the one dark cloud on her otherwise brilliant horizon. “If we’d just lived together for a few months and gotten used to each—”

“No way in hell am I giving you a chance to find an exit. When I put that ring on your finger and you put yours on mine, we made a deal to believe in each other, no matter what. And without a doubt, it’s the best damn deal I’ve ever made.”

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