His Princess - Stacy Gail Page 0,46

Swear to God, I’ve never been sorrier about anything in my life.” He took another sharp, short breath. “Next?”

A wave of relief swept over her. He was sorry. That had to mean something. “We both have to work on our flexibility when it comes to scheduling. It should be understood that while we’re at the top of each other’s respective list of priorities, every once in a while work will rear its ugly head and demand our attention. It will always be a temporary thing, and work could never become more important than you, or me. Agreed?”


“I want kids, but not right away,” she heard herself say, while the chaotic mess of her emotions slowly eased enough for her to get down to the heart of things. “I think taking a nice, long while to settle into a life together would actually be the smart thing to do before starting a family. I mean, I’ve never lived with anyone before, so seeing if we’re compatible is a big deal. For all we know, we might make each other crazy once we’re under the same roof, so we shouldn’t rush into any baby-making conversations, like having a daughter together, for at least a year or so.”

“Wait, back up a sec.” He went very still, almost statue-like, with only his eyes alive and burning over her. “Did you hear what you just said?”

Mentally she replayed the words she’d just babbled out. “Um… yes.”

“And you heard what I said?”

“Which part?”

“All of it.”

Again, she gave it some thought. This was an important conversation, after all. “I think I’m okay with all of it.”

“Joelle.” He took another step toward her. “You’ve got to be sure about this, you understand? Once I have you, I’m not going to let go. All that crap about if you love someone, you set them free? Bullshit. When I get you where I want you, it’s going to be forever.”

Everything inside her began to quake. “Oh, boy. You’re in love with me, and you just used the word forever. This has honestly been the wildest twenty-four hours of my life.”

“I know it’s a lot, but I swear I’ll dedicate my life to make it good for you, my lady. I swear it.” At last he was right there with her, coming to kneel between her knees so he could pull her flush up against his chest. One hand dived into her hair, while the other slid down her back, as if he needed to refamiliarize himself with the feel of her. “Just give me the chance to show you that I fucking worship every part of you, from your ambitions to your dreams, and everything in between. They’re a part of who you are, and I love who you are. Let me show you that I’ll do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true.”

That sounded wonderful, except for one thing. “I don’t want to be worshiped, Gus,” she whispered, not sure whether to laugh or cry from the rising happiness inside her. “I’m no goddess, okay? I just need to know you value all of me, even the parts that might not fit the image of what you want your dream woman to be.”

“I do value you, and the reality of you is way better than any dream I could’ve ever come up with. You’re talented and funny, brilliant and ambitious, stubborn and so confident you could defeat an entire army with a smile. Hang in there with me, my lady, and I’ll find new ways to prove to you that I’m a man you can believe in. I’m a man you can come to love.”

“Oh, I know that already,” she said, and at last she relaxed enough to loop her arms around his neck. “I fell for you about thirty seconds after you fell for me. And I’ve been falling ever since.”

Again he went statue-still. “What?”

“I love you,” she whispered, and she knew without a shred of doubt that she would forever treasure the memory of joy and triumph kindling in his dark eyes. “I’m so grateful you found me. I didn’t know I had a dream man until you came along. You’re it, pushy tendencies and all.”

“I’m only pushing for what’s going to be the best part of our lives—us, together, the way we were meant to be.” Then he moved in for a kiss, and as he did she couldn’t help but smile against his lips in wholehearted agreement.


One week later

“As Joelle's brother,” Felix said

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