His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,94

need for her to know. She got the position on her own merit and through her own contacts and relationship with Ansari and Vincini. He didn’t want her to think that her achievement had anything to do with him, although no doubt she would assume his interference.

“Next spring. He’s looking for the right business premises in London and then wants to me start on the recruitment of personnel and get word out to the media channels.”

“So you’re free for the next six months or so. What are your plans?” he asked, nervously pushing his sunglasses to the top of his head, knowing what he was about to ask her in the next few minutes would potentially change his future for ever.

Kicking her feet slowly in the water she answered, “It would appear so. I’m going to help Ana set up a new website for the shop.” She shrugged. “After that I’m not sure, I’ll probably just help Matt at the stud farm.”

“Huh,” he mumbled as he kicked his feet in time with hers and berated himself inwardly for the delay in asking her. “So, er, do you feel like bumming around the world with me for six months then?” he asked shyly. Cool, Jumal, real cool. NOT. “I’m finally having my gap year. Do you feel like giving me that surfing lesson?”

“What?! Are you kidding?” she demanded, but not in a good way. Her kicking stopped. “You hurt me, Jumal, more than anyone has ever hurt me. More than Jimmy bloody Stears. Why would I want to spend any more time with you and likely get kicked in the heart again, huh? You just let me leave without even trying—” She waved her hand around, clearly frustrated at him, as she ran out of words and her body slumped.

It was all perfectly true. He had hurt her and there was no getting away from it, although he had no idea who the hell Jimmy bloody Stears was, but he still wanted to punch him for upsetting Pippa.

He hung his head in shame. “I’m so sorry, Pippa,” he offered feebly.

“So is that it? Six more months and then—” She waved her hand dismissively and shook her head. “Is that all I am to you?” She narrowed her eyes. “A short-term handy fling to fill up your strangely empty social diary?” She gave him a mirthless smile and added, “Well thanks, but no.”

“No wait, let me be clear,” he said, grabbing for her wrist and dropping his head. “Shit I’m making a complete mess of this.” He paused to take a deep breath before continuing. “That’s not it. I want more. I just didn’t want to scare you. I want you to be my wife, Pippa.” He jerked back at her sharp intake of breath. “Oh wait, no, first I meant to tell you that I love you.” He met her gaze as she now clutched her hand to her chest. “I love you, Pippa,” he repeated. “And I want to marry you not because it’s a mutually convenient and beneficial arrangement,” he emphasised, “but because I love you and I want you at my side for ever. I’ll always want you. I want to enjoy a life with you and our children. If you’ll have me—”

He glanced down for a few moments, steeling himself as he swallowed nervously. “But first, I need you to show me how to be a better man for you, how to live and just be…alive, how to have fun. I want to get carried away and completely lost on your coat-tails and never look back.” He bowed his head and shook it. “Before you, my whole life was empty, apart from my work and meeting the expectations forced upon me by my family and those that I put upon myself to succeed. To prove to my parents, that whilst they had never been able to have more children, I would be enough for them. I’d make them proud. But I let that need take over completely and whilst I may run a successful company—” he paused, dropping his head into his hands and raking one through his hair “—I don’t have a clue about really living and having fun. Our future five-year-old boy, or girl,” he quickly added, seeing the look on her face, “isn’t going to be impressed by Daddy’s ability to negotiate a contract. He wants him to play football or fly a kite or—” holding his hands up in mock surrender he quickly

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