His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,40


“I just mentioned it to him and he volunteered to offer a donation.” She shrugged. “I couldn’t very well accept it and not offer an invitation, could I?”

He pulled her body back into his and resumed their slow dance around the small dance floor, finally allowing himself to take a deep breath and indulge in the soft scent of her hair shampoo—something fresh and light and oh so tempting. Apple.

There was no style to the dance, just a simple movement of their bodies, but had he ever felt so close to another person? He didn’t think so and when he felt her body relax into his frame, the rest of the room simply fell away.

She was in his arms finally, held so close to his body that she could feel the heat radiating between them, feel his heartbeat and his soft breath against her hair. Pip finally allowed her body to relax against his and she enjoyed the moment. She’d allow herself the guilty pleasure of one dance only—a reward of sorts for laughing along with Kahlid whilst trying to politely avoid answering his questions about her personal life. One dance, then she would leave.

Her right hand was clasped in his and she allowed her left hand to slowly move around his waist to the middle of his strong back. She could feel the definition of his muscles either side of his spine as her head rested against his shoulder, and she could happily have stayed in his arms for the rest of the evening.

She’d played her role as supportive PA to Jumal all day and even laughed at Kahlid’s bad jokes all evening. Now was the time to enjoy.

Pip had given up trying to kid herself that she could ignore her feelings for Jumal. She wanted him with a desperation that frightened her. She had never had such feelings for any of her earlier boyfriends and was appalled that she couldn’t simply get over him. He was engaged and completely unavailable but she was frustrated by circumstances—anxious to speak to anyone about her feelings but having no one to share them with. She couldn’t turn to anyone in Dubain as they all knew Jumal and she wouldn’t run the risk of anything somehow getting back to him or, worse, to Faridah.

The same went for her friends at home. There she ran the risk that it would somehow get back to Matt. She’d almost brought it up with James but chickened out at the last minute. Ana, her sister-in-law, would be her usual confidante about such “man matters” but there was no way that she would put her in such a predicament with her husband. What she really needed was someone to grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her, highlight the man’s bad points to which she was so obviously blind.

The music ended.

“Thank you for the dance,” she said, reluctantly tearing her body from his. She needed to escape, get some distance. “I’m tired now. Am I off the clock?”

“Of course.” He nodded, stepping back. “I’ll see you back to the room.” He dropped one hand to her lower back and motioned away from the small dance floor with his arm.

“No,” she said quickly, putting her hand to his chest and gasping as she felt the reaction of his body to her touch, his muscles flexing. The last thing she needed was to be in his presence in their suite. “Erm, sorry, I mean, no it’s fine. You stay,” she urged, stepping back. “I’ll, er, see you in the morning, okay?”

Jumal nodded in agreement. “Goodnight, Pippa. Thank you for your help today. You did well.”

She was startled by his rare praise. “Y-you’re welcome. Night,” she added softly before taking a step towards the exit.

“Pippa,” Jumal called after her and she spun around to face him.

Her eyes were drawn towards his chest as it expanded with a deep breath. “Anta jameel. You look beautiful in that dress, by the way.”

She felt her cheeks flush brightly before she turned and made her escape from the room, forbidding herself a look backwards. She knew she was running away but it was surely better than embarrassing both of them by doing or saying something she’d later regret. Something had changed on this trip. Something she couldn’t put her finger on. Whatever it was, it had scared her and she was now running like a frightened rabbit. That’s it, she dictated to her own wayward thoughts as she climbed the broad

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