His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,39

she asked audibly, feigning shock, her hand clasped to her chest.

If looks could kill…but she still smiled as he took his seat, knowing that she’d likely pay for it later and deciding it was worth it.

“Yummy,” she said to her dining companion as her starter was placed at her setting by a waiter. “This looks delicious.”

Jumal could barely contain his frustration. His fists were clenched tightly under the table and he was rudely ignoring his neighbour’s dreary conversation. His anger wasn’t directed at Pippa. Not this time. He was growing quite accustomed to her sense of humour and constant teasing. Other than his close friends, which he could easily count on one hand, she was the only one who really treated him like a human being.

Kahlid Al Ari was a marked man as far as he was concerned. The pair were sitting directly opposite him and the suave bastard was fawning all over Pippa, pouring her wine and generally fussing. The slimeball had even offered her a taste off his dessertspoon. The fact that Pippa had graciously declined, appearing to pat her stomach, saved the man’s life as far as Jumal was concerned.

His emotions were a complete mess. He’d never been a jealous man before. Never, ever reacted with such caveman aggression whenever a man had approached Faridah, never wanted to punch a man for simply offering his woman their arm. His woman? Christ, when had he started to think that she was his? He raked his fingers through his hair and took a sip of water.

Oh great, now she was laughing at the slimeball’s jokes. So Pippa liked a funny man, did she? Jumal cursed silently. When had he ever made a woman laugh out loud? In fact, the better question would be: when had he ever cared? Never.

Chapter Six

He closed his eyes in a desperate attempt to avoid having to watch Pippa have a good time with another man. He laughed bitterly to himself as he recalled his stupid attempts to get over his interest in Pippa Darling. He had tried to simply ignore her initially; that was never going to work though on the basis that she was his PA. He’d thought about dating other women, but that would simply lead to him comparing them unfavourably to Pippa and even he knew that wasn’t fair. Hell, he’d even agreed to the farce of an engagement not long after having returned from England having met Pippa again, amend that, having met the all grown up Pippa again.

With the benefit of time and reflection, even he could see that he and Faridah were a mistake from the start, even ignoring her traitorous actions. Marriage would have made them both miserable, but he had once again allowed his father to ride roughshod over his personal life, because he’d decided that it might help him put Pippa out of his mind. Ha! What a joke. He’d once started to write a list of “reasons not to like Pippa.” He’d gotten as far as “Matt will kill you” before shredding it in self-disgust.

“Brandy, sir?” The waiter’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

“No thank you,” he declined and pushed back his chair as he spotted Kahlid stand simultaneously and move to pull out Pippa’s chair for her. No way in hell was the slime going to be dancing with her too. Jumal stalked back around the dinner table.

“Oh Jumal,” she said, startled by his presence. “Wasn’t dinner lovely?” She smiled widely, placing her napkin on the table.

“Yes lovely,” he replied brusquely, holding out his hand. “I need to speak with you, Pippa. Will you excuse us, Kahlid?” But he wasn’t asking. He was secretly relieved when she actually did as he’d asked and put her hand in his.

“Certainly,” Kahlid conceded, bowing slightly. Jumal let out an impatient breath. “Thank you for your company, Miss Darling. I look forward to seeing you at the polo match. Perhaps you would save a dance for me then?” he suggested far too keenly. “Jumal.” He nodded stiffly in acknowledgement and sauntered away.

“Ow, Jumal, you’re hurting my hand,” Pip complained as he pulled her towards the dance floor. He released his grip quickly, taking her in his arms before she had chance to argue.

“Why is he talking about the polo match? He seemed to be under the impression he was invited?” he said, flexing the muscle in his jaw.

“Ah, well yes—” She dropped her head in avoidance of his intense gaze.

He pulled away from her and stopped moving. “Pippa,” he

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