His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,114

that she liked it and could very easily get used to it, and that scared her. Two days; that’s all you’re here for Ana, then back to reality.

The pub looked like an old coaching house with low hanging ceiling and exposed wooden beams: lots of brass trinkets scattered about and Toby Jugs hanging from those low ceilings. It was the sort of old style country pub that the big chains tried to replicate en mass, sometimes successfully. Both she and Matt had to duck their heads when they’d walked in and she’d smiled at the brass sign saying, “Duck or grouse”. She ducked.

It was made up of a number of smaller rooms and it was clear that each area was distinct. The room immediately to the right as they entered entertained the more senior patrons enjoying card games and dominos and she imagined that, before the smoking ban, the room would have featured a permanent smoky haze. She could hear more enthusiastic noise from the far end of the pub and Pip had told her that that was where the games room was before disappearing off in search of James, leaving her with Matt and making a vague promise that she’d be back shortly. She began to wonder if she had been played by Pip and whether there was an agenda she was missing…

The rest of the eclectic pub was made up of quiet tables with couples and families enjoying what looked like good home cooked food if the smells were anything to go by. There was a lovely atmosphere and every so often there would be a louder cheer and laughter from either the games room or from the chap’s playing dominos.

Bob delivered their drinks and made a quick getaway. “Cheers.” Matt held up his pint glass to her and took a long gulp.

“Cheers.” She sipped on the frothy beverage. Hmm, okay, an acquired taste but no way in hell was she going to say anything other than “Yum” as she placed her glass on the table and crossed her legs.

“Okay, so if I’m going to be staying with you, I think it’s only fair you tell me more about yourself. It’s clear that you have formed an opinion about me so it’s only fair I get to see whether my opinion of you is correct.”

He mimicked her position. “And what opinion is that? Not that I am remotely bothered, you understand, but please do enlighten me.”

“I’m not ready to disclose it yet,” she challenged. “I’ll reserve my final judgment until the end of this conversation.” She took another sip of the disgusting drink.

“Ha,” he chuckled, “what is this, Mr and Mrs?”

“What? Not that I’m saying you would but you could just Google me to find out everything about the nitty gritty of my life. I’m sure even my bra size is on Wikipedia if anyone was interested.” She wasn’t joking.

His intense stare made her feel nervous, but not in an entirely bad way.

“Okay, let me get you started. Why are you so grumpy?”

He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest and muttered, “Pass.”

“You can’t pass,” she said, shaking her head and leaning forward.

“I can do anything I want Miss Harper.”

Okay, the Grumpy Farmer was back, she thought as she rolled her eyes and slumped back in her chair dramatically.

He sighed. “Okay. Fine.” He conceded in defeat, “You win, but I’m not talking about that, and you first.” He smirked, pointing his finger at her. “Favourite film?”

“When Harry Met Sally. You?”

“The Italian Job. The original,” he added, raising his finger. “I loved vintage mini’s as a kid. Favourite… er, book?”

“Easy, Gone with the Wind, hands down best book ever. You gotta love Scarlett’s independent nature and her attitude to life, not to mention the fabulous fashions of the mid eighteen hundreds. Not that I envy the tight corsets, although some of my shoes are likely just as painful. You?”

“Oh erm, I’m not sure, probably just some Dan Brown thriller or something.” He shook his head and picked up a beer mat, twirling it in his hands.

“Ah ah, no way Mr Darling. Come on, just tell me. If you don’t then I’ll just think the worst.”

“Okay, fine, it’s The Princess Bride. Okay.” He pulled at the corners of the mat.

Ana grinned and doing her best Vizzini impression lisped, “Inconceivable!”

“Yeah, Yeah laugh it up.” He gently tossed the beer mat at her and she caught it on instinct. “Impressive.”

“You’re a closet romantic aren’t you?! I love that book

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