His Irresistible Darling - Sarah Randall Page 0,113

us a lift home if we need it.”

Anastacia glanced back over her shoulder at Pip.

“He’s such a sweetie Ana, and he’s the Stud’s vet. Wait ‘till you see him, and the other local farmers. Why women go to the city to look for hot, available guys is beyond me. I tell you, this is where they should be. Go and make yourself even more gorgeous and we’ll get going.”

Matt felt a spark of something strike him and stir his interest. Despite his earlier caustic remarks to her on the drive in, a world famous model in the village would cause a stir and possibly a scene, and as she was staying here… well, it was his responsibility to make sure nothing brought the Stud or his family name into disrepute. Never again. He ignored all possibility that it was the fact that other men would relish Miss Harper’s attention.

“Wait, on second thought, I’ll come along too. You need a chaperone and George could do with the exercise to work off that chicken.” His accusatory stare was ignored by Mrs Henderson who continued to tidy around the room. “I’ll get my coat. George, come on lad.” George pricked up his ears, stretched his front legs, and trotted after him.

Why the hell was he going? He’d planned on a quiet night in, catching up on some paperwork for the Stud and looking over some potential new bloodlines before trying to get some much needed sleep.

He was going to keep an eye on Pip and keep Miss Darling out of trouble. Yes, that was it. No way was he going to make sure Ana stayed away from the Waddington Single Farmers crowd. Nope. Not that, no Siree.

“So what’ll it be Matt?”

“Evening Bob, pint of the guest bitter for me and… “ Matt glanced over at Ana and raised a brow in silent question.

“Hmm, I’ll have the same,” she replied confidently to Bob..

“Are you sure?” Matt said, raising his brow even higher.

She turned to face him and put a hand on her hip. “Yes. Why?”

Matt shrugged, “Just thought you’d prefer wine to beer, or at least something with a straw and cocktail umbrella in it.” He shared a knowing smile with the long serving bar owner..

“Is that so? It’s dangerous to make assumptions, Mr Darling. I should know, before I met you, I assumed all Yorkshire folk were salt of the earth types, friendly to all travelers,” she chastised, and Matt heard Bob try unsuccessfully to stifle his laugh as she continued, “Apparently us Southerners have been living under a misapprehension that all Yorkshire people are warm and welcoming, walk around sporting a flat cap with a friendly ferret in their coat pocket.” She held her hand up towards the bar. “No offence Bob. But then I met you.” She drilled Matt with an accusatorial stare.

Matt glanced back at the barman for support and took a deep breath. “Make that two pints Bob, and whatever Pip is drinking when she drags herself away from the games room.”

Bob was still struggling to keep a straight face. “Sure thing. You ‘n your feisty southern lass go ‘n grab a table and I’ll bring ‘em on over.”

Matt ignored the barman’s comment as he turned to face her. “It seems Pip has abandoned you with me. Shall we?” Matt motioned for her to make her way over towards a quieter section of the bar and a table with two large red leather chesterfields in front of another roaring log fire. God she could get used to these, but there was no way she could have one fitted in her apartment in London. Not that it would ever get used, she was barely there… she caught herself and remembered that she’d be in New York soon and she doubted her apartment there, chosen by someone else, would have a real fire.

Once settled she took a closer look around the warm, friendly, and inviting pub. It had taken about thirty minutes to walk there, slowed down by the snow and slippery road. She and Pip had become instant friends and had linked arms and giggled like school girls as they slid around almost losing their balance several times while Matt muttered to himself as he walked behind them with George in tow. It had suddenly hit her how much she had missed close female companionship. She and her mother hadn’t been close. Ever. She’d never had a sister or female cousin and her closest friend had been Alix. She decided

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