His Captive Mortal A Vampire Romance - Renee Rose Page 0,12

real. I don’t want to leave the vampire’s side. I can’t bear the thought of never seeing him again.

Which is crazy, but there it is. My nana was always telling me to trust my intuition. I doubt this was the scenario she was referring to, but my gut says I need to stay. I need to see this to the end.

But right now, I need to get outside to my garden. I’m not running away, just getting some space. A compromise. Watering, pulling weeds and tending my vegetables always helps me sort through my thoughts.

I wash my bowl in the sink, setting it in the drying rack. Walking to the front door, I reach for the handle and then stop. Maybe I shouldn’t leave before checking my email.

I sit down at my computer, but as it turns on, the mud in my thoughts clear. The garden. I was going to the garden. Not abandoning the vampire but not obeying him, either.

But when I get to the door, my fingers hesitate before touching the knob. Why not just check my email? Or tidy up a bit?

This I catch myself before I fully turn away. Something’s wrong here.

I turn back to the door. Slowly I reach out to grasp the knob, my fingers trembling. It’s like I’m pushing through lead.

All my instincts scream to snatch my hand away, but I push forward, half-expecting the door to burst into flames when I touch it. My hand arrives, but I can not make myself turn the knob.

I swallow, my temples throbbing from the exertion of will.

Open it, I order my hand. Open the forking door.


“What did you do to me?”

I open my eyes, the heavy stupor of the day receding as a lovely woman climbs atop me, straddling my waist. Aurelia. The gold flecks in her eyes flash as she tosses her black hair back from her lovely, angry face.

My fangs shoot out so fast, they almost cut my lip. I grasp her hips and push her further down my body, so her core rests directly over my concrete-hard cock. Her heat brings a shock of pleasure, and my eyes half close.

“Stop it!” She wriggles against my hold.

Bad idea, little mortal. I love it when my lovers struggle. I let my lip curl up.

Her eyes widen when she catches sight of my lengthened canines.

I find her struggles amusing, her warmth and gyrations only increasing my hard-on. “Calm yourself, love,” I murmur. “When you fight, it just excites me.”

She makes an indignant sound but stills then moves in a slow grind. The scent of her arousal hangs heavy in the air, and her pupils are blown. I don’t think she’s aware she’s grinding on me.

“Let me go,” she says, breathing hard.

I reluctantly release her hips and interlace my fingers behind my head.

She dismounts, wisely scrambling out of my reach. “What did you do to me?” she repeats, still eying my fangs.

They retract as she watches. “What do you mean?”

She stands quite still, her chest still heaving. “Why did your fangs get long?” she asks, her voice no more than a whisper.

I sit and swing my legs to the floor. “I wasn’t going to suck your blood,” I say in a bored tone, padding past her to the bathroom where I splash water on my face.

“Are you...hungry?” she asks, trailing behind.

“No,” I snap. “I was aroused. Feeding satisfies a sexual urge in addition to providing nourishment.” The truth is, I probably do need to feed soon, it‘s been a couple weeks since I’ve had any blood, but I don’t want to scare her.

“Oh,” she says.

I glance over to see her nipples protruding through her bra and tank top. I inhale, breathing in her scent, longing to grasp her breasts and knead them possessively, pinching her nipples into points. I wrench my thoughts from her perfect anatomy. Staying with the little fairy might be as much torture to me as I intend to inflict upon her. Drying my hands and face on the towel, I saunter up to her, eying the vein at her throat. “Are you going to let me taste you, Aurelia?” I purr.

She takes a quick step backward. “No!” Her voice pitches higher than usual.

I smile, flashing fang.

She draws herself up, her hands balling into fists at her sides. “I can’t open the front door,” she says.

“I know.”

“What did you do to me? Vampire hypnosis?”

“Yes,” I admit, knowing it would probably enrage her. “I couldn’t take the chance you would open the door and

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