His Captive Mortal A Vampire Romance - Renee Rose Page 0,11

over with plywood. “What the—?”

Well, of course, the vampire can’t be out in daylight, and he declared his intent to stick with me until I remove his curse. I rub a hand over my face. This is all too weird.

The vampire lies in my bed, sleeping like the dead. I guess, in a way, he is dead. Not that that keeps me from perving on him.

I pad out to the living room to see, not surprisingly, every window sports the same covering.

Darn him all to heck. This better not affect my rent deposit.

For a moment, I consider tearing some of it down, but my skin gets prickly. The idea repels me. Of course I won’t remove it—he would die. And while I tried to kill him last night, I don’t really want to end his life now.

He hasn’t bitten me. Or tried to drink my blood. He hadn’t hurt me, other than the spanking.

I eye him sleeping as I head toward the bathroom. How had I not noticed him climbing in bed with me? Or nailing boards to my windows? And what about those incredible dreams? I’ve never dreamt like that before. Does it have something to do with the proximity to him?

My stomach flips like it’s on a rollercoaster. Perhaps it does have something to do with the vampire. I don’t think I’ve ever been this turned on.

I sneak into the bathroom and lock the door, pulling off my pj pants to finger my sex. And I clench my teeth to keep from groaning at the prod of my fingers. The sensitive pleats are engorged from my shameless masturbation on his leg. Fork me. I humped a vampire. How am I going to face him after that display?

It takes great willpower, but I withdraw my fingers and climb in the shower, keeping the water cool to clear my head. I need to wrap my mind around my current situation. I have a live-in vampire roommate who wants something I don’t know how to give him. Fantastic.

How the hell will I get myself out of this mess?

I step out of the shower and dry off, wishing I brought my change of clothes into the bathroom with me. Wrapping the towel under my armpits, I peek out of the door to make sure the vampire still sleeps. His eyes are still closed, long lashes fanning over his cheeks. He’s even more pretty than I remembered. Stop perving on the vampire!

I tiptoe out and snatch a pair of shorts and tank top, putting them on speed-dresser style, like I do at the department store when I’ve got ten items in a changing room and fourteen more in waiting.

I grab my hairbrush and walk out to the living room, dismayed by the darkness of the place without the windows. I will have to turn on the lights during the day. I’m the opposite of a vampire. I need light. Living in Arizona has helped my seasonal affective disorder, and I want to stay healthy. Just how long is this vampire planning on keeping me like this?

You’re my captive now. You’ll win your freedom when you’ve figured out how to rid me of my curse.

I make myself a bowl of cereal and eat in a sort of stupor, my brain short-circuiting on the vampire part every time. What curse? Did I really have special powers? I try to remember where I’d learned to put the bubble of protection around myself but come up short. Seemed like I’ve always done things like that. I figured it was just a quirk of mine left over from childhood, like kissing my hand and hitting the ceiling of the car when I run through a yellow-turning-red light. Which I don’t do these days since I have no car.

Did my nana know I had magic? Did she? If so, it would make sense why she was always trying to teach me. I wish I had asked more questions and paid more attention. I was the one in the family who was closest to her, so whatever nana knew is gone with her.

Now my best chance at understanding my power is my vampire captor.

I should be planning my escape, but I really want to stay. The rational part of me wants to run to the cops, but I don’t want to leave this vampire. It’s not just curiosity about my powers. It’s something stronger. A compulsion--and not one put on me by a vampire. This comes from deeper down. It’s

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