Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,92

around her, he escorted her to Nessa’s room, where they shared a sweet kiss and said goodnight.

After a few days, word of their training game spread. Men who were not part of the laird’s guard expressed a desire to learn and participate. Anna’s confidence grew, knowing she contributed to the fighting skills of the clan. She’d been attacked twice, and each encounter only half-hearted. It made her wonder if Duncan threatened the men after all.

Anna received word the weavers had finished her woolens, and went to fetch them. Trying them on, she reveled in the luxurious softness of the Merino wool. Other than silk, she’d not felt anything so fine before. They would help keep her warm when the colder months arrived. She chatted with the ladies, who seemed genuinely glad to see her. Not stopping their work, the talk soon turned to the upcoming wedding. After answering their questions, Anna thanked them and walked out the door.

She immediately noticed four of the guard standing across the way—men who weren’t present before she arrived. Iain stood amongst them, and she wondered briefly why they were there. Out of the corner of her eye, Anna detected movement. Dropping her parcel, she turned to face whoever approached.

An arm grabbed her around the neck from behind, and she reacted instinctively by clutching his arm to prevent a choke. She then dropped her right knee to the ground, spiraling her body to the left. The man flew over her right shoulder, landing him flat on his back with a satisfying thud.

His arm still in her grip, she pulled it straight from his body, draping her right leg over his chest. With her left leg at his head, she trapped him on his back. Still on the ground, she stretched his arm out at the wrist, raising her hips. Her move locked his arm at the elbow, causing it to slightly dislocate.

“Yield!” he shouted, as he slapped the ground with his free hand.

Immediately she released her hold, hopped up and assisted him to his feet. She glanced around, noting Iain and the others who had gathered to watch. They all grinned widely, apparently aware of the ambush. She addressed her attacker. “We have not worked chokes from behind yet, Bran. What made you think to attack thus?”

He ducked his head. “I knew ye would defeat me anyway, so I thought to be sneaky.”

His answer earned a laugh from the small crowd. As Anna dusted herself off, she spotted Duncan standing several feet away, his arms crossed, the look on his face a cross between rage and disgust. She’d not seen this particular expression before, and her smile faded. Following her gaze, one by one the men took a step back.

Not knowing what else to do, Anna complimented Bran on a good attack, then retrieved her parcel from the ground. Facing Duncan, she waited for a response. When he said nothing, she swallowed her pride and walked toward him.

“You are angry with me. May I ask why?” She kept her voice calm, not reacting to his obvious ire.

“Ye roll around on the ground with one of my men in front of the entire village like a common siursach, and ye wonder why I’m angry?” His voice echoed off the surrounding buildings.

At his words, Anna heard the sharp intake of breath from people nearby. Keeping the barest control on her anger, Anna swallowed a curse, spun on her heel and strode toward the stables.

Once at the barn, Anna threw her package against the wall and immediately saddled Orion. How dare he call me a whore! If he’d seen the whole thing, then he’d know I did nothing wrong. I responded to the attack swiftly and put an end to it. If he thinks he can treat me thus, humiliating me in front of all, he is a fool, and I am a bigger one for agreeing to marry him.

She jerked the saddle’s girth and dropped the stirrup. I should call the wedding off and accept Grandfather’s invitation to return home. I will not tolerate such treatment. Trean emerged from Orion’s stall and pushed his muzzle into her hand. She stroked his head and led Orion through the stable door. Mounting, she sped to the loch, Trean on their heels.

Storming from the village, Duncan loosed a roar of frustration. He knew as soon as he released the words, he had erred grievously. What devil had come over him? Always the one in control, he found himself

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