Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,91

the middle ground. There are no couples like us to compare or consult.” She glanced up, desperately needing to see his reaction.

Again, long moments passed before he answered. “When ye bought Orion, what was he like?”

She scrunched her brow, immediately recognizing the direction of his question. “He was a wild and powerful colt, not willing to submit to any commands.”

“And did ye take his braw spirit and break it during yer training?”

“You know I did not. We worked together. With guidance and patience he came to trust me.”

Anna shook her head at Duncan’s grin, knowing he’d maneuvered her into the place he wanted. “So ’tis about trust,” he said. “Ye say ye trust me. Do ye trust me enough to believe I willnae make such demands on ye or break yer spirit?”

The perceptiveness of his question pierced through her. “Truly, I do not know. I want to say I trust you that much, but I cannot in all honesty say I do without hesitation.”

“Ah, then do ye wish to wait? I dinnae want ye to feel pressured into marriage, in spite of our families and signed agreements.”

She immediately rejected this idea. “No. I want to be your wife. I do not wish to wait. ’Tis not just the pleasure we share, but the joy and contentment I feel when I am at your side. I want to go to bed with you, to wake up with you, to share everything with you.”

“Then I need to continue to inspire yer trust whilst ye develop more faith in me, aye?”

She nodded. “I would like us to speak of specifics though. Your reaction to my teaching the men has left me skittish. I did not like the look in your eyes. I would like to know what you think I should and should not do.”

He took a deep breath. “Anna, I realized early on, like Orion, demanding yer submission or obedience would do more harm than good. I am trying to walk a different path with ye. Howbeit, I am just a man. Seeing another touching ye, seeing how they look at ye…there are limits to my tolerance. I know ye need to keep yer skills honed, but I need yer assurance I have naught to worry about. I will swear to do my best to keep from killing anyone who touches ye.” His voice lightened, but she knew he only partly jested.

“I do understand, and have agreed to keep a respectful distance. I will never do anything to dishonor you. It is easy to imagine we will have our fair share of arguments. I would like to be more strategic than merely stumbling from one conflict to another.”

He chuckled. “A battle plan, then?”

Smacking his chest, she glared at him. “Do you mock me?”

He offered up his hands in a peaceful gesture. “Pax boidheach laoch. I but admire yer application of combat strategies to our union. Very well, what do ye propose?”

Satisfied with his response, Anna settled against him once more. She inhaled deeply, smelling him, savoring his warmth. This, this was the reason she didn’t want to wait.

“What if we listed activities we can both live with?”

“Sounds wise. And what of those items on yer list that dinnae appear on mine?”

She lowered her hand to the front of his kilt, finding the hardness there. She gave him a gentle squeeze and answered in a teasing voice, “I shall convince you once we reach our bedchamber.” Hearing him groan with pleasure as she traced the tip of his manhood with her finger made her wish they didn’t have to wait three weeks.

“I applaud yer superior tactics. If ye intend on taking such battles to our bed, I fear I will be forced into surrender every time.”

She leaned against his chest and sighed deeply. She listened to his breathing, his arms firm around her shoulders.

“Thank you for understanding and speaking with me about this. I know part of my fear has nothing to do with you. I am convinced you will be the best of husbands, and I will soon wonder why I dwelt on this foolishness. There was something about hearing the bargaining, having the banns called, and setting a date which made it more real.”

Duncan kneaded the muscles of her neck and shoulders and Anna melted beneath his touch.

“Ye have experienced a number of difficulties in a short period of time. ’Tis expected. I only want to make sure ye have no doubts before I make ye mine forever.” Wrapping an arm

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