A Hero for Lady Abigail (A Wallflower's Wish #5) - Maggie Dallen Page 0,42

smile on Abigail. “Are you ready?”

No. Definitely not! Her heart pounded in her chest.

“He’s waiting, Abbie,” Lily said with surprising gentleness.

Alex was waiting. She drew in a deep breath. She could do this. With a nod, she headed toward the door to join Marigold. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

A chorus of “good lucks” followed her out the door and Marigold sweetly tucked her hand in Abigail’s as she led her down a darkened hall toward this back entrance.

Abigail slowed to a stop and Marigold turned to look at her with brows arched in question.

“Marigold, I...” Abigail cleared her throat. “I just wanted to say thank you for doing this.”

Marigold grinned. “As I told Alex, I owed him one.”

“Yes, but you owe me nothing,” she said. “I’ve never been particularly kind to you. In fact, some might say I’ve been nothing but a frightful cow.”

Marigold made a choking sound as she tried not to laugh. “I wouldn’t say cow...”

Abigail laughed outright. “That’s only because you’re too kind to speak so bluntly. But I’m saying it for you. When you confronted me earlier today—”

“I shouldn’t have done that.” Marigold winced. “It wasn’t my place. I see that now.”

“Nonsense. You are Alex’s friend and you were only looking out for him.” She drew in a deep breath. “I need you to know that no matter what happens out there, I’m glad that Alex has a friend like you.” She looked back toward the others. “All of you. He’s a good man and he deserves good friends.”

Marigold looked like she might interrupt, but Abigail didn’t give her the chance. “I always looked down on you, you know.”

Marigold’s eyes widened in surprise but Abigail squeezed her hand, willing her to stay silent so she could get this over with.

“I thought…” Abigail cleared her throat. “I thought kindness was a weakness.”

Marigold’s expression shifted to one so sweet and sympathetic, it made Abigail’s chest ache.

“I see now that I was wrong, of course,” she continued. “I’m starting to realize that being kind in the face of cruelty takes more strength and bravery than I’d ever imagined. The ability to forgive is a true act of valor.” She sighed, her gaze meeting Marigold’s once more. “All this is to say, I’m sorry for underestimating you and I’m sorry for all of the harsh words I’ve ever said about you—to your face and behind your back.”

Marigold’s lips curved up. “I forgive you. And for what it’s worth, I’m glad that Alex has you, too.”

“You are?” Her brows shot up and hope began to flicker in her belly. If Alex’s friend thought there was a possibility she could make him happy, then maybe there was a chance for her yet.

Marigold nodded. “Alex has spent so long fighting for this country, for our people—it’s about time he found someone willing to fight for him. And something tells me you would fight tooth and nail for that man.”

Abigail nodded, her eyes welling with tears. “I would.”

Marigold nodded toward the door on the far side of the darkened room. “Then I suggest you go do just that.”

Abigail bit her lip and nodded again, this time with resolve.

“Good luck,” Marigold called after her.

Luck? Yes, she’d likely need that. But more than anything… She glanced up toward the heavens and said a little prayer. More than anything she needed courage to lay her heart open and faith that whatever his response, it would all turn out for the best.

She spotted him first, his head down as he paced a path along the garden just as she’d done in the salon. The sight of him with his brow furrowed in concern—it lightened her own steps as she moved toward him. “Alex.”

His head snapped up and he turned to her expectantly. “Abigail. You came.”

“Of course I did,” she said as she reached him. She was so close she could feel his warmth, his scent wrapping around her. “I wanted to say I’m sorry—”

“Please let me apologize—”

They’d both started and stopped at once, and after a startled stare, they burst out laughing at the same time too. Laughter eased the last of the panic, and she reached out a hand to touch his arm. “Please, let me say what I need to say?”

He nodded, his gaze filled with such tenderness that it almost hurt to look into his eyes. A sweet ache filled her chest, making her voice higher and breathier than she’d ever heard it. “I’m sorry for rejecting you like that. It was just…” She stopped

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