A Hero for Lady Abigail (A Wallflower's Wish #5) - Maggie Dallen Page 0,41

does that mean?”

She shrugged. “In Abigail’s estimation, you were courting another woman just this morning.”

That was a fair point. “I did mean to clear that up. I just got carried away when I heard her mother.”

“Of course you did.” Marigold gave his sleeve a tug. “But she doesn’t know that yet and if she wanted to be a good person, she might think that you’d be better off without her.”

His brows drew low. “Better off without the woman I love?”

Marigold gave him a radiant smile. “Just out of curiosity, and since we’re discussing things you’ve yet to tell her, does she know that you love her?”

He took a half step back as Marigold’s words sunk in. Did she know? He’d never told her so. “I...I…don’t know.”

“I do believe that you know what to do next,” Marigold answered.

He shook his head, his limbs weighted with regret. “You heard Lady Gorem. She doesn’t approve. She won’t allow me permission to court and they’re leaving tomorrow. How am I going to tell her any of it?”

Marigold winked again. “Take heart. If there is one thing they’ll avoid, it’s scandal. If you press the issue, they’ll concede. There are ways around Lady Gorem.”

“But how?” he asked, his brow scrunching.

Marigold stifled a giggle. “It’s a good thing you were a soldier and not a spy. You’d be awful at the job.”

That made him relax. Did Marigold have a plan? He hoped so because his thoughts were too full of his feelings to think logically. “Fair point.”

“I do believe that you should take a walk in the garden at half past ten. I hear the stars are lovely at that time.” Marigold gave her hand an airy wave. “There’s a bench just by the rose garden that is perfect for viewing them.”

“Marigold,” he said, hope filling his chest. “What are you…”

“Shhh,” she answered. “Just think about what you’re going to say. This is your chance to win over the woman you love.”

Alex shook his head. She was a dear friend for doing this. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

“You already did,” she said with a grin. “I believe it’s my turn to help you. Now, if I might give you some advice, be absolutely clear that Charlotte was never a good option. No woman wants to feel as though she is the second choice.”

“Sound advice,” he grinned.

“And I’d use the word ‘love’ specifically,” she added.

He gave a quick jerk of his chin in military fashion as he clicked his heels. “I shall do as you’ve commanded.”

Then he drew in a deep breath. He’d tell her that and more. He’d tell her about the person he saw inside her hard shell and the way she made him feel hope again.

He’d not hold a thing back.

This was his battle to win.

Abigail paced the length of the nearly empty salon for the fifth time. “Are you certain about this plan?”

Max eyed her with open amusement from where he leaned against the doorframe. “I promise you,” he said for the third time. “Marigold has this well in hand.”

“Yes, but—”

“Honestly, Abbie…” Lily rolled her eyes from where she was cuddled up against Merrick’s side. “At what point did you become such a coward?”

Merrick gave a huff of laughter as he kissed the top of his wife’s head. “I seem to recall you having a moment of panic or two before we both came to our senses and admitted that we loved each other.”

“Panic? Me?” Lily shook her head as she gave Abigail a laughing look. “I remember no such thing.”

Despite her own panic—and yes, Abigail could admit that this roiling wave of anxiety was indeed panic—she found herself returning Lily’s grin.

The one bright spot in this otherwise terrifying evening was this newfound truce she’d found with Lily. She wasn’t certain either of them were about to call one another “friend” any time soon—they still had a ways to go to repair the damage to their friendship—but tonight was a start.

Much to her mortification, Lily had insisted on telling Merrick the truth about her rejection and he’d surprised her by pulling her into a tight embrace to thank her for tossing him over.

But now they were all waiting on Marigold, who was apparently the mastermind behind tonight’s encounter.

On cue, the door opened, and Marigold slipped in with a triumphant smile. “Your mother is well occupied by Sir Geoffrey, and Alex is waiting for you. I can slip you out undetected through a side entrance to avoid scandal.” She fixed her wide

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