Her Lord's Desire (The Forbidden Saga #3) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,18

one earning your students’ respect.”

The younger man nodded solemnly. “I understand and will do my absolute best not to disappoint you or my students.”

“I’ve no doubt of your sincerity, Charles. All you lack is the confidence in administering corporal punishment when a pupil decides to test the very rules of the institution. But, with a bit of personal experience, I’m quite positive you’ll have no problem fulfilling every part the position requires for several years to come.” Edward knew the offer had come as a complete surprise to the professor and understood Charles considered this great fortune as a possible path to be able to woo Lucille’s affections. Edward wasn’t surprised when the man turned the conversation of their meeting to address a more personal matter.

“I also appreciate your allowing me the opportunity to call upon your ward, Edward. I admit she’s not only the most beautiful young woman I’ve ever seen, but I find her absolutely fascinating. I swear to you that I will work exceptionally hard in order to prove my ability to not only court Miss Furniss but perhaps to sway her to become my wife.”

Edward wasn’t surprised at his enthusiasm but couldn’t help but take a moment to realize this was but the first offer for his ward. He’d been preparing himself for this very thing from the moment Lucy had earned her diploma, but still, hearing a man mention marriage to his ward gave him pause. He’d grown quite fond of the young woman and would not just hand her over to anyone he didn’t feel would serve all of Lucy’s needs.

“Charles, I have agreed that you might call upon Lucille,” Edward said and the man’s attention was captured fully. “However, I feel I must inform you that you are not the only man who has sought such permission.”

Charles’ wide smile slipped but he managed to compose himself after a brief moment. “I see. I admit I hadn’t given thought to having competition for the lovely young woman. But, I suppose it would be far too much to expect otherwise. As I said, Lucy… excuse me, Miss Furniss, is quite the woman. Any man would be proud to claim her as his.”

Edward nodded. “Yes, that’s true but it will take a special man to make that claim.” Edward saw Charles’ eyes flit about the study, his mathematical mind easily adding up the costs of the furnishings, the books on the shelves, the hand-woven rugs, the expansive floor to ceiling windows behind the huge mahogany desk. When his shoulders slumped a bit, Edward shook his head. “Now, Charles, there is no need to fret. A man’s value has far more to do with his character than his bank account. And if you think about it, I believe you’d agree with me that you are entering into the courtship with an advantage. After all, Lucille already knows you and has come to trust in you as well.”

Charles relaxed and smiled, his hand running along the leather. Edward knew the young man was remembering how Lucy had not only spent several hours with him in studying, but he had witnessed her in a truly shameful state bent over the arm of the chair in which Charles was now seated, her face buried in the brocade cushion to hide her shame as she reached to lift her skirts to bare her bottom to receive a strapping from her guardian for failing in those very studies. The fact that she had remained mostly comfortable in his presence despite the humiliation of what was quite a private moment definitely served to give Charles a leg up in Edward’s mind.

“Thank you, Edward,” Charles said and moved to press his case just a bit. “Perhaps I shall be able to further my head start. With your permission, perhaps you would allow me to escort Miss Furniss this evening? A nice walk to the park would offer her a lovely outing… perhaps even an ice-cream to enjoy?”

Edward smiled at the man’s eagerness but couldn’t fault him for it. “Since it has been a few days since Lucille has been in need of punishment, I feel she has earned a treat. I’m sure she would love an outing,” Edward said, and then stood, Charles following suit.

Though Charles did a fair job of hiding his surprise at hearing Edward’s mention of punishment, Edward caught it in the flash of color across the younger man’s cheeks as well as another glance at the chair he’d just abandoned.

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