Her Lord's Desire (The Forbidden Saga #3) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,17

his hand. Edward shook it and motioned for Charles to take a seat.

“Good day, Charles,” Edward said and chose to seat himself in an adjacent armchair instead of distancing himself from his guest by sitting behind his large desk. “I trust you received my letter?”

“Yes, thank you, sir,” Charles said politely.

Edward smiled and leaned a bit forward. “Come, Charles, I believe you and I are beyond such formal titles. Please, call me Edward,” Edward said, wanting the younger man to feel relaxed in his presence.

Charles nodded his acceptance. “Thank you, Edward. I felt it necessary to come personally to offer my response to your suggestion rather than respond via the post. I’ve given it quite a bit of thought and find I agree with you. I find no other course available if I am to learn what is needed to feel capable of accepting the position of headmaster.”

Edward sat back in his chair and rested his chin on the tips of his fingers. He was pleased at the man’s words and appreciated the effort Charles was making to become prepared to take up the much desired position of headmaster at the girls’ former school.

“Wonderful, Charles,” Edward said. “I am very pleased to hear your decision. I assure you that you will find no better tutor than Miss Summers. She has run her exclusive school for years with great success. You will learn all you need, and I believe, find yourself acquiring an understanding of far more than just the skills required to fulfill the role of headmaster. I just ask you enter into your schooling with an open mind. These young women are educated in far more than reading, writing, or mathematics. They must be, in order to thrive in the positions for which they are being prepared.”

Charles swallowed hard and nodded. When first approaching Charles about his experience in dealing with wayward students, Edward had been impressed with Charles’ confession that he was totally uneducated in discipline of any kind. Having seen his reaction when Lucille had been strapped in his presence, Edward had suspected as much and had been very pleased at the man’s honesty. The detailed letter he’d posted to the professor’s home had explained exactly what sort of school Miss Summers led. Edward suggested it as the best possible place for Charles to learn quickly how to administer the strict corporal discipline necessary for a headmaster.

“Thank you, Edward,” Charles said. “I promise to do my very best. Believe me, the irony of your offering me a tutor is not lost on me.”

Edward chuckled as he remembered employing this young man to tutor his ward. “Think nothing of it, Charles. We all must start somewhere. While it is surprising to discover your ignorance in the matter of discipline, I assure you that it is a course of study that will capture your interest. As you know, the school board, as well as myself, have no interest in placing another man like Thorne into the position. The role requires a man who can not only yield the rod on the occasions it is necessary, but will only do so while providing empathy for the very student whose bottom is being caned. You have shown that you not only have a great deal of patience, you genuinely care for your students’ success. Your tutoring of Lucille impressed us greatly. It is the least we can do to allow you to have the tools necessary to feel you can make your final decision. If, after your studies, you agree that you feel capable of taking responsibility for our young women of society, I assure you the job will be yours,” Edward said and watched the man smile.

“I truly appreciate all you’ve done in supporting my name with the others on the board, sir. I pledge to do my best to meet the expectations of a headmaster who will elevate Cressington Academy to an even higher level where all students will not only receive the very best education possible, but will do so without fear,” Charles said.

Edward felt the need to correct him. “I guarantee that despite your sympathy, your students will always be a touch anxious. After all, the cane is an implement capable of leaving a lasting impression. A bit of apprehension is to be expected when the girls know that you are the one providing them a well-striped arse if they choose to be disobedient. The position is not one of popularity, but if fulfilled properly, will be

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