Her CEO - Flora Ferrari Page 0,25

standing right when the recording was made.

I feel a glint in my own eye. The thrill of a new kind of excitement.

Justice. Served piping hot.

“How’d you like to sit in on your first ever board meeting?” I ask her, and grin when she nods a firm yes without even giving it a second thought.

“Did you really believe her?” I ask Alyson, getting in just one more hug and kiss before we get to the boardroom’s floor.

“No. Like I said, it just threw me. She was pretty convincing though.”

I growl in agreement. “Yeah, a nasty piece of work, and I thought firing her was enough.”

“Well, you have a case now,” she chimes, and I know I do. More than enough for the board to chew on for a while, and plenty of live ammunition for my pending unfair dismissal case too.

Fashionably late, I’m always the last in on any board meeting and today’s is no exception.

The huge black doors are closed and before we go in, Alyson straightens the back of her skirt as I ask her quietly, “What did you say? When you gave your resume to that creature?”

She looks puzzled for a moment, then stifles a laugh as she remembers. “Oh… Something about being the next big thing at Chambers Inc.” She smirks and I feel that swell of pride again.

“I think you might be onto something there, Alyson. You might just be onto something…”

I give her a quick kiss before swinging both huge doors wide open, letting her go in first before I close them behind us both again, leading her by the small of her back up to the head of the board room table, where I’ve made arrangements for our two seats to be set side by side.

Nobody’s saying anything, as is customary before I sit down, but the air is thin and the mood pensive. Tense.

I want more than anything to take Alyson’s hand, but something in me says no, let her take this in her own way, on her own merits.

I know she can do it.

I just know she can.

The meeting’s brought to order and I jump straight in.

“Gentlemen, I’m not going to beat around the bush,” I start out, noting that my chairman, Dave Cowper is scowling, crimson as his eyes travel up and down Alyson, who’s technically sitting in his place.

“I’m sure you all have heard about Alyson joining Chambers this past few days, and I’m sad to have to bring it up as a point of order, but our Chairman, and no doubt, all of you have been under the impression my motives for bringing her in are… shall we say… questionable.”

There’s a murmur around the table, heads bobbing and I can tell already they’re out for blood before any of them have even spoken.

My hand’s up, which brings the room to order again, and I know it’s going to put Alyson on the spot a bit, throw her in the deep end, but I know she’ll manage.

Like she said, she’s the next big thing at Chambers Inc. So I decide to let her prove that for herself.

Chapter Nineteen


It’s intimidating, to say the least. And being in on a board meeting of Chambers Inc. On my first official day at work, if that’s what today really is, is the last place I thought I’d be.

I have something useful for Eric though, so I feel like I’ve earned my keep again, as he’d put it. But I’m suddenly rattled, terrified when he announces that I’m going to present the board with the findings of my recent ‘covert investigation’ into executive protocols, procedure and practices here at Chambers Inc.

I don’t even know what that means, and my gaping mouth tells Eric, and the whole boardroom so too.

He leans in close, whispering only loud enough for me to hear.

“Just tell them about what happened when you applied for the job, then play the taped conversation. I’ll pick up the rear. You got this,” he tells me and I can almost feel his huge arms around me, supporting me all the way as I stand up, shaking inside but pleasantly surprised when I hear the power in my own voice.

“I came to Chambers Inc. promoting myself as a college graduate seeking employment. I have relevant skills for a range of intern and entry level positions.”

I feel myself faltering a little, but I have everyone’s attention so far, Eric giving me a solid, slow nod, reminding me to take my time and to tell the truth.


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