Her CEO - Flora Ferrari Page 0,24

you, he told you so!

I huff back those tears that want to come, and reason there must be some other explanation. That cow Cynthia just happened to be at a restaurant like that, the day after she was fired, then telling me Eric is a player?

None of it adds up.

I see I’ve let the past, my college taunts and childhood bullies all loose in my mind once again.

It’s a tough habit to break, but years of being told your slow, clumsy, fat and ugly do take their toll whether I like it or not.

I decide to sit quietly for a minute, long enough to dry my eyes, then I’ll go find Eric again.

Tell him I’m sorry for acting so weird.

I’m just about to head back, when I hear the familiar, nasal twang of Cynthia’s voice, and a man’s voice.

Ducking lower behind the huge potted plant by the bench, I peer out.

It’s Cynthia, and that man from Human Resources, Sloane.

They seem pretty friendly all of a sudden and once I hear the beginnings of their conversation, I feel even more stupid.

Sorry Eric. I’m sorry I even doubted you for a second. But I’m not gonna miss the chance to make it right.

I quietly slip my phone out, and use the voice recording app to try and record what they’re saying.

I have no idea if it’ll work, but the bars are moving up and down in time with them speaking, so I guess it is,

I can hardly believe what I’m hearing, and I resolve to get back to Eric as soon as I can with this.

He needs to know, and I owe him more than an apology.

Oh, Eric… don’t be mad.

I’ll explain everything, I promise.

Chapter Eighteen


Before I even get to the barman, his hands are up in surrender.

“Mr. Chambers, she was all alone, there was just those few seconds that woman stopped to talk to her, I swear!”

I have my hands out, ready to grab him by the throat, but I can join the dots.

“Blond? Like a mess?” I ask, and he nods his head.

I growl and give him a stiff nod before taking off after Alyson,

“Alright, at least now I know who I’m up against,” I snarl out loud before I rush out into the plaza, trying to think where she might have gone, which way would she run if she was so upset?

Whatever she told you, Alyson, it’s a lie! I hope you can see that. I know you must…

The whole building’s so vast, and I never run aimlessly without a clear direction or goal in mind.

It turns my stomach to turn back, but I spin on my heel, heading straight for the security office on the same level, having someone bring up footage from just a few minutes ago.

In seconds I can see which way she’s gone, and who else was going in the same direction.

I jog to the spot. The little nook where I kissed her not long ago, and thank god I run straight into her, my arms wrapping around her straight away, her wet mouth on mine instantly, pressing hard as I grip her tighter than ever.

“I’m sorry, Eric,” she gasps, but I’m not done kissing her yet. I won’t ever let anyone upset her ever again, and I’ll never let her out of my sight, not even for a minute, I make a solemn vow to myself.

She’s clutching her phone, trembling all over and I can tell she’s been crying.

“Whatever it is,” I tell her. “Just know I love you. That everything between us is real and I’d give up all of this if it meant having you by my side. The thought of losing you.”

My voice breaks with emotion, but I reel it in, and after kissing her again, so hard I’m almost scared I’ll hurt her, I see the mischievous glint in her eyes.

“What is it, baby? What’s happened? Tell me,” I demand.

“I can do better than tell you Eric,” she says, holding up her phone.

“I know you love me, and I love you. I just… I dunno, I flipped when someone reminded me of my past, made me doubt myself for a second,” she says, the gleam in her eye getting brighter as she tilts her phone in front of me.

“What is it?” I ask her one last time. I hate surprises, unless I’m the one delivering them.

And after a few moments, listening to what she’s recorded just now, plus what I know I can prove, where a certain two people were

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