Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,93

there, the downward position of the bench at the perfect height for her to see his hard cock. He was not unaffected. The color of it was dark and angry as it dripped. His purr, coupled with his scent, overwhelmed the smell of ginger that would forever equal punishment in her mind.

"My treasure did good. So good. She didn't move. She took what I gave her. She learned the rules. You are, you know. You are my treasure. I can't lose you. Can't risk you. Can't have you in danger. I just cannot. I thought I was insane before, but that's nothing, Naya—nothing."

He moved his hands over her face, wiping away her tears. He had his shirt in his hands and used it to clean the mess of drool and snot.

"Monster," she whimpered. She needed his touch to connect her to the present, to this room, to him, but it wasn't enough. Not at all.

"Breathe now, my good girl," he said, picking her up off the bench. She thought his voice had gone ragged and emotional, and she pressed her face in tight against his neck and jaw, unable to tear herself away.

It was two steps for him back to the nest. He held her so that he could talk into her ear. "You are so beautiful. So strong. Perfect. I never imagined you. Never dreamed a woman like you existed."

Freed from the bench, she clutched him to her and clawed at his skin. She wanted him inside, needed to get inside of him where his heart beat.

They sat down. He kept her in his lap, but tipped her so that he could reach around and remove the plug and take away the ginger root.

"I have something for the welts," he said, but she couldn't let him go. She needed relief that had nothing to do with pain.

His touch and purr moved all over her, soothing. He laid her over his lap so he could look at them, guiding her with purrs and encouragement.

Naya acquiesced, but kept herself as curled into him as she could, until that earthy scent of his cock went to her head.

"Monster, I want—”

"All right. Take what you want, treasure. You can have whatever you want from me." A great, lazy lion, she could feel his satisfaction now that he'd taught his lesson, gotten her submission. He lay down and let her take from him.

Set free, Naya took.

His roaming hands and steady purr mollified her appetite for touch while she turned and found his cock with her mouth, licking up all that wasted musky flavor that had dripped from him. She loved the taste of it, the wild spice cake of him. She needed it; no one had ever accused her of having self-control when it came to her favorite things. She wanted everything she could get and wanted it inside of her as soon as possible.

Omega instinct and need ruled.

Naya heard him hiss at her artless demand, at the way one of her hands found the base of his cock and the other cupped his testicles as if to milk of him, the essence of his arousal a thick fluid she craved on her taste buds. She stuffed him in her mouth, drawing hard at the head, drinking him down like nourishment.

His hands stroked her as she sucked his cock, reassuring, reaffirming. He fed her what she wanted, hips lifting in offering. Monster had punished her, and now the man Darre gave her back everything he had taken, let her peel him open and take.

And take.

His taste hit her system and burned brighter than the ginger, warming her belly. It lit her up with sublime gratification. She felt him always, right there in her center. One touch and she would cum again. Cum and cum.

She worked his cock until the flavor and texture changed, until she got everything she wanted. Breed that they were, his ejaculate had changed with her pregnancy. It fed her and deepened their tie.

As the next eleven months passed, she would want more and more of this from him. Crave it.

She didn't stop until her lips were too tired to hold him and her jaw hurt from sucking so hard. She didn't stop until he was panting and grunting and saying her name, cock pulsing in her hands, thick seed going down her throat.

A sense of comfort, safety, warmth filled her in having him under her, around her, hands petting and stroking her skin with reverence. All her senses engaged, his

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