Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,92

to do what I say. You are gonna hold this. Keep it where I put it."

He put it inside her.

Foreign and hot, about the size of a single one of his fingers, he pumped it in twice and rubbed it up to her hardened nub, circling, spreading a burning, tingling heat.

Naya howled and arched away, wanting to escape. His palm splayed against her back at the same time as harsh, guttural command.

"Still. Now."

Her muscles locked, the omega of her biology making her helpless.

Around and around he circled her clit until she could feel the painful swell of it between her spread out thighs. Until she felt like she was on fire. Then he slid the ginger down and put it inside of her.

"You will hold that there for me. And this too." He touched the plug in her bottom.

"Please, Monster. Please," she begged, wanting this to stop. What could she do to make it stop? To ease the heat seeping into her bloodstream?

The cool sensation of the leather straps from the thing he'd had before startled Naya as it landed lightly between her shoulder blades. "This is a flogger, treasure—a whip of sorts. You are going to take this on your ass and between your legs until I think you've had enough. I'm going to whip you, like this."

The straps lifted and came down again.

She screamed. The sound of it against her skin, the force of it—she knew he must be holding back but those multiple little lashes spread out, fan-like, adding a new layer of stinging flame.

"Naya, you can do this. You are strong. You’re strong enough to save my fuckin' life, so you are going to do this too. What is my first rule?

“Let's make it simple. You're supposed to stay in this room if I'm not with you. So how about, 'stay where I put you.' That's a good fuckin' rule, because I never imagined you would dash out into the middle of a fighting pit to jump in front of me.

"Now you say, ‘stay where you put me.’ Say it."

She had trouble speaking through tears and snot on her face. Stuttering, she sobbed, "Stay where you put me."


He brought the flogger up and down, hard. She screamed. For some reason that weakened the hold on the root he'd put inside of her and she felt it slip.

"No. No. No," he chided. Working it in and out of her again, he pressed it against her walls, making it burn and burn. She was sweating from the pain and the anguish of it.

"Rule two: I only take gifts from my monster. Say it."

"I only take gifts from my monster."

Another lash from the flogger. She hissed this time, clenching, not wanting him to touch that thing inside of her. Not wanting it moving. But the clenching had almost the same effect and she moaned low.

"And rule three: Stay out of Monster's shit." He was furious. The words were a growl that resonated with her every raw nerve. Things clenched. It hurt.

But. But...

She was so aroused. How could she be? The heat had layers of tingling, layers of need. Her brain told her that she must cum. She needed to cum. And at the same time it held her there, freezing her there with distress and yearning.

She couldn't move her hips. Couldn't bear down. There was no pressure for her straining clit. No ease for her clenching womb and filled bottom.

She wasn't supposed to move at all.

"Say it!" he demanded.

"Stay out of Monster's shit!" she cried.

The flogger came down hard. Brutal.

"Look at those colors. Look at how fuckin' dripping you are. Baby doesn't know what to do with herself. Let's go through it again. I know you want to learn this lesson."

He made her say it all again and again, spread out, bottom facing him, taking the flogger, the plug, and the root, until she didn't know what she was saying, where she was, or who she was. He pushed her into a place like her heat cycle, ready, willing, and submitting to anything he wanted. She was so desperate for pressure, for his touch, for absolution, that she was arching into the whip for the punishment.

Prowling around her, Monster grabbed her head and smoothed her hair from her sweaty brow. "What are my three rules, Naya? Tell me all of them."

"Stay where my Monster puts me. Only take gifts from Monster. And stay out of Monster's shit."

"Damn fuckin' right. Open your eyes."

She hadn't realized she'd closed them. He was

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