Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,65

that tone with her alpha. No one.

An unexpected growl erupted from her as her body tensed. That other woman needed to remember her place.

But Monster squeezed her neck. "Settle, treasure. It's all right." A purr rolled out of him.

Nixon cursed. "A full-on bond. Wow, Alpha. Congratulations."

She didn't know what her reaction said to him, having never been so offended by anything in her entire life. She felt ready to claw the other woman to the floor until she cried mercy and begged for forgiveness.

Monster kissed her forehead. "Fuckin' fearless,” he murmured. Then, tipping his head at their guests, he added, "Marissa, this is my bonded. She is fierce for such a small one. You'd do well to respect that. And remember, while she will just be skinning you bloody, my friendship with Nixon won't stop me from breaking your neck if you stand there showing off your grand independence. Just because I don't face females in the pit doesn't mean I don't expect the same from them as I do my alphas. You get me?"

The smell of aggression filled the room and Marissa's nose twitched. Her face lost color and her eyes dimmed of righteous indignation. Her alpha put an arm around her, but he wouldn't defend her to his superior. He couldn't.

"Forgive me. I spoke out of turn. Those women and drones, they've been so abused. I'm worried for them."

"I am aware, Marissa. But that is not what I asked you to find out, is it?" Monster said.

"No. Sorry. Sorry." She coughed into her hand, nervous now. "The girl—she is from the same sector as your mate. She is the illegitimate child of an alpha scribe."

Naya gasped. Was that girl a sister she didn't know she had? Had her father sent her here? Questions poured into her mind.

Monster had warned her that someone close to her lurked in the shadows of this betrayal, but never could she have guessed her father might be one of them. They were not close, but he had always shown her gentleness.

Marissa hesitated at Naya's gasp, worried about upsetting her.

"Tell me," Naya blurted. "She said her father sent her here, didn't she? What's her name?"

"Her name is Rachel, daughter of Corre."

Naya moaned, relieved, yet horrified—and thankful Monster held her snugly in his lap so she didn't fall apart into a thousand pieces.

"Why do I know that name? Corre?" Monster asked.

Nixon clarified. "Rachel's father is the Second to Ratmhir, Master of the sector scribe house, and your mate's sire. She said Corre is not a believer in that First Alpha nonsense, but he is a man against the breeder laws, property rights for women, and wants to see all drones enslaved. He sold her to Tenbel because he didn't believe his own daughter to be more than property. I don't know if he wanted to curry favor with you by sending an omega breeder to you, or if he just wanted to weaken her father's position as Master of the scribe house."

"Crispin's father," Naya added. "He was there. People were gathering, waiting for my heat and our ceremony. He is my father's friend. They took over the scribe house together from the last Master."

"And what did the girl say of my mate’s intended? Was he a part of this?" Monster asked.

"Rachel didn't say. Her mother is a beta pleasure worker. They lived apart from Corre."

"Good enough."

"Sir, one other thing. Her child…" Nixon looked at Marissa for confirmation.

"Rachel wasn't used by Tenbel or any of the other males. That uppity black robe wouldn't touch her because they were related. He is a half-brother. She belonged to the one called Louis. There is something you need to know. She said Louis isn't a beta."

Monster straightened. "What do you mean?"

Naya's head was spinning. The girl, Rachel, daughter of Corre, half-sister to Crispin—and bald, disgusting, Tenbel, also half-brother to Crispin?

She leaned forward to listen. She hadn't told Monster about her conversation with the drones. Descriptions of the beta sounded just like her father, but was this Louis related to Crispin as well?

"The male is an alpha. The way she talked about him. The way he smelled. I'm sure Louis is an alpha," Nixon said.

Naya watched the subtle emotions in Monster's eyes as he absorbed the news. "Do you think Louis is also related to Corre? Did Rachel say? Did she know him before she was brought here?"

Nixon's bride-mate shook her head. "That poor girl is so young. How could her father, her brother, do this to her? And to

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