Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,64

she demanded primly.

He held her high, pressed his face into her neck, and inhaled as if she was the source of all his air. Then he was licking and kissing her there, making her melt, rendering her unable to form words or thought.

They cut through that familiar hall to the room he used as his office. The sparsely furnished room had undergone changes. There was a wide, low-back couch made of scarred leather and stained wood. Next to it were big baskets of wool blankets and a few pillows, things that looked like decent nest making materials.

Where had he been hiding those?

There was another lamp, and a short shelf stacked with what looked like paperback books. Books!

Her eyes took in the additions greedily, wanting to investigate, but her body, made liquid by her mate's mouth on her skin, turned into him, curling around him in a hug.

This confounding male. One touch and he readied her for the taking, pulled her heart open, and made her weep with want.

"Monster,” she whimpered, her hands seeking the skin under his shirt, her mouth pleading for his.

He sat down in the chair behind his desk and gave her his kiss. His tongue touched hers in that deep intimate way that caused more full-body trembling and slick to pool between her legs. She'd kissed no one before him, other than the platonic kiss one gives a child. Now he held her and kissed her as if they had hours to spare and would do nothing else.

With one hand he held the back of her neck beneath her braid, and with the other he cupped her jaw, keeping her steady while his lips played over hers.

She opened her eyes for just a moment and found his were closed—lashes long and dense against the burnished color of his skin. All his focus was on her mouth.

His tongue dipped in and her eyes drifted shut at the taste of him. She loved the flavor of his breath, the smell of it, and would spend a hundred years trying to come up with ways to describe it. It was different, yet the same as his natural scent—softer, not as spicy, but so male.

She didn't know how long they sat there wrapped up in each other. She was so dazed she didn't hear the knock at the door, nor its opening.

Naya startled when she opened her eyes and saw the drone called James bringing a tray of food and drink in. "Alpha, pardon. Nixon and his bride-mate are on their way in."

Monster made a rumbling noise in his chest and kept kissing Naya. She tried to pull away, embarrassed by the public display of affection, but his mouth followed.

"Please. We have guests," she tried to protest.

He tucked her deeper into his shoulder and opened his eyes. They glinted with purpose, his lips curling up in a smirk. His hold tightened as he leaned in and gave her a kiss that curled her toes and made her head spin.

She lost herself in him, in the pleasure of him, so much that when the guests she knew were coming arrived, she didn't notice them standing there, watching with amusement.

"Sir, do you plan to come up for air soon? You are giving my bride ideas," a male said.

"Nixon. Do not, or the only idea I will have later is you sleeping in a different room," a woman replied.

The male laughed.

Naya's body stiffened and she hid her face against Monster's neck, consumed by a full-body blush. He'd done that on purpose.

"Such a proper princess," Monster whispered in her ear, nipping the lobe and making her shiver.

"Nixon," he said to the man, “did you talk to that breeder girl?"

Naya chuffed against his neck. He didn't say hello? Didn't introduce her? His voice and relaxed body language said that he was on friendly terms with this Nixon, more so than he had been with anyone else she'd seen.

When she looked up, she saw a male with a squarish face and a flat nose. He was the first alpha she'd seen who wasn't wearing a breather. Standing next to him was a slightly shorter, slim blonde beta woman.

"Yes, we did. Poor thing." He looked at the woman next to him.

Hazel eyes flashing, Nixon's bride-mate was not afraid to speak her mind. "Alpha Nothonal Darre, what are you going to do with all those drones? All those women?"

Naya knew that Monster was not a good guy. He had done bad things. But she bristled anyway. No one took

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