Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,36

it up and activating it.

Neat and orderly.

When he started typing on it, she didn't know what she was supposed to do with herself until he said, "So, Naya, daughter of Ratmhir Zell, you were to be married to a pup named Crispin?"

She startled at the familiar names. He must have looked up her registration number. She hadn't even realized he'd seen it.

"Five brothers, one sister. Your mother's line dates to the 12 Sectors’ founding. Nice. You really are a princess. Tell me about this Crispin."

She cleared her throat. His question sounded dangerous.

"I thought you challenged him,” she said evasively. "I imagined you had won the challenge. All that blood. But that wasn't him, or a challenge, was it?"

"Don't doubt I would have challenged him for you. The smell of you turned my monster the fuck on. But no, that wasn't him. That was Tenbel and two of his black crow boys. You were drugged. I didn't realize that until later. Until the shower."

He had her tucked against him, her head on his wide shoulder and her legs dangling over one side.

She felt a shaft of tension go through him, as if all his muscles hardened in resolve, then relaxed as a decision was made.

"You were drugged with a common combination given to women to make them unable to respond to a situation. It dulls your senses, makes you feel detached while you are being roughly handled. I saw your eyes, but I was in a drugged state as well and had even less control than you. Do I need to apologize to you for taking you that way? I can't regret it. But I don't want you to feel violated."

"You were taking drugs?"

"No. Not like that. It's difficult to explain. I was in a place in my head that leaves me disconnected from rational thinking. It happens to me sometimes. Anger issues."

He kept his eyes on her, watching her face intently. His own placid expression attempted to hide the concern she felt leaking through their bond.

"Anger issues? That was a lot of blood for anger issues. You were covered in it head to toe," Naya said in a small voice. At the time, drugged and triggered into her heat by his smell, she had thought the blood magnificent. Remembering it now, it had been gruesome.

"Are you afraid of me now?"

Disgusted with herself, yes. Afraid of him, no. The question was insulting.

"Do I smell afraid of you?" she shot back.

The cough in his throat sounded like a choked-back bark of laughter.

"Why did you kill them?" she asked.

"We will get to them. You haven't told me about your intended. Your records show a fully filed and approved contract. You were going to be formally bonded after your second estrus, I assume. Did someone pick him for you, or did you pick him yourself?"

He typed on the pad. She couldn't see what he was doing, but she could guess. The Administration liked to keep track of everything. Privacy was a non-issue. Her life, all her medical records, schooling, family—everything was stored in a public database that anyone with an entry code could access. Crispin's information would be there as well.

"Recently retired from the Administration army, done with King's duty, he didn't do any extra service. His records show he didn't have an aptitude for leadership and his superiors suggested he stay in the Admin army longer. Did you know that?"

Naya gave a small nod. It wasn't anything Monster was saying or doing, but his review of Crispin's record shamed her. She knew he was a weaker, younger alpha. It was why she’d wanted him.

He was nothing compared to a male like Monster.

"Did you love him, then?"

She shook her head.

"Words, Naya."


It was hard not to get defensive. To explain herself. She’d never had to before. Her mother and sister had understood, even her father. Her younger brothers had teased her about it. Finnor, still in school, had wanted to challenge Crispin, certain the other man was more beta than alpha and wouldn't be able to beat him.

Monster wasn't satisfied. "Tell me about him. How did you meet him?"

"He's nothing to you. Not a rival. We are bonded now. I chose you. Why does it matter?"

"I wasn't your first choice. I want to know about the man you really wanted. Answer my questions. Maybe this man is how you ended up with the likes of Tenbel."

"That's not possible. Crispin would never have put me in a box and sent me to that disgusting male. Never."


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