Her Broken Alpha - Isoellen Page 0,35


This was the type of bossy male she hadn't wanted in her life. She didn't need an alpha to tell her what to do or how to dress. She wasn't some idiot breeder doll who wanted a daddy to direct and control her every step. She was perfectly capable of managing herself, thank you very much.

She should have been watching him.

Putting his hand at her neck, grip firm, he tipped her head back so that she had to look at him. He growled the kind of growl that made her insides clench in pleasure and slick leak out of her.

It wasn't as pronounced as it had been during her heat, but if he kept doing that, she'd have a noticeable wet spot on her pants. It was so easy to envision a future where she walked around all the time looking like she'd peed herself.

Oh, help her. That was not something she had wanted either. She closed her eyes.

"Look. At. Me."

She didn't want to.

Monster tightened his grasp, using his hold to pull her up high on her knees. Towering over her, he growled in her ear, his lips just brushing her there, a whisper of touch to her cheek and forehead. The sound was pure dominance.

Her body loved it.

"Do I need to fuck you boneless, Naya?" he asked. "Is that what you want? I'm the mate you chose, and you will do as I say without any eye rolling or those little thoughts you were just having."

"Monster," she whispered. She was insane. She had to be. Because right now all her little thoughts were on bending over and begging him to use her.

She couldn't take her focus off his black eyes dancing over her face to her lips, which suddenly felt hot and swollen, then back to her green ones. A tremor of desire went through her, shaking her whole body.

Her heat was over. It was okay to be the needy slut during a heat. It was normal. There was nothing normal about wanting to mate again because her alpha was getting dominant. He robbed her of her self-control, took her over.

She never wanted this.

But she watched her hands reach out for him, slide over his naked chest, and try to bring his delicious strength and power close so that she could sink into it. She gave him a needy whimper.

"Pretty mate,” he said in his low, gravelly voice. He kissed her forehead before burying his face in the damp hair at her neck, scenting her just below her ear. "I need to get out of this room a bit. Have a conversation. Get some shit done. Stop distracting me or we will be here another eight hours."


"Okay." He took a deep breath, went to the clothes rack, and finished dressing.

At home, even with cream to soften and detangle it, working a comb through Naya’s hair took ages. Rolling around in bed, washing it, and then not at least braiding it had left her with impossible snarls.

Monster came over to help her, carding his fingers through the hair on the back of her head, gentle and patient while Naya was frustrated.

Finally finished with the mess of it, she started to braid it, but he stopped her. Grabbing her hand, he kissed her knuckles.

"No. leave it."

Naya pouted. She didn't want to leave it. It would be a mess in minutes and then she'd be working at the snarls all over again.

Standing over her, his head above hers, he picked up handfuls of her hair and rubbed his face in it, purring.

She left it.

Shoeless, chest jiggling, she followed as he guided her down the hall with his hand between her shoulder blades. They entered another room, oblong-shaped and empty, which appeared to run through the center of the building. He was using it as a shortcut to get to the other side of the structure and their destination.

They stood at the entrance as he inspected the place and said thoughtfully, "Need to get you something comfortable to sit on in here, a bed maybe. Fuck my life, never thought there would be a woman in it."

He took her over to a chair by a wide desk. When he sat down, he pulled her into his lap.

She didn't mind too much.

On the desk was a data pad, a big book that looked like a ledger, and writing pens. Everything was lined up in a row.

Nudging the data pad a bit, he lined it up with the bottom edge of the ledger before picking

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