Her Bad Boy Billionaire Lover (Billionai - By Bretton, Barbara Page 0,35

of oaths from Jake. "Clumsy sod." He brushed at his pants with the back of his hand. "So much for the toasts."

Claudine hurried off to find a towel while Francois bemoaned the loss of one of nature's wonders.

Megan eyed Jake. "I've never known you to be clumsy."

"My hands were wet," he said easily. "It happens."

"Yes," she said, unconvinced. "I imagine it does."

Both breathed a sigh of relief that their secrets would remain secret a little bit longer.

Francois and Claudine had never been much for celebrations that didn't include champagne. A few minutes later they said goodbye. Jake and Megan stood in the yard and watched as the Land Rover bumped its way back toward their side of the cove.

"Life is tough for incurable romantics," said Jake as they turned back toward the cottage.

"They're sweet," said Megan. "Married so long and still in love with each other. They make it look so easy."

"It isn't," said Jake. "Life's been hard for them."

"Yes," Megan persisted, "but they're still together. What is it they know that we--" She stopped. "It's foolish to think about what might have been, isn't it."

"Yeah," he said after a moment. Foolish but impossible to resist.


They shared the plums on the beach, watching the play of sunlight on the water and listening to the soft call of brightly-colored birds high in the trees. The bittersweet mood lingered but there was something else at work there, a deeper understanding that ran counter to the ever-present current of sensuality.

"This is wonderful," Megan said as plum juice drizzled down her arm. "I should have served plums for lunch on the Sea Goddess. The contract would be in the bag." This was the decadent, voluptuous island experience everyone took a cruise to find.

He kissed her along the side of her mouth, drawing his tongue along the line of sticky juice. "You did great," he said. "You'll nail the contract."

"Feel free to put in a good word with the boss."

"You really want the franchise, don't you?"

She took a sip of champagne. "Of course I do," she said carefully.

"Somehow I never figured you for a working girl."

"Oh, you know how it is," she said, waving her hand in the air in a careless gesture. "Everyone has to do something."

A flip answer but she didn't dare handle it any other way. Today was for fantasy and she was determined to keep reality at bay for as long as she could.

This was a moment out of time, blessed with an unexpected ease and grace that neither had believed possible between them. He didn't say anything and neither did she. They didn't need to. He gathered her close. Her eyes were bright with tears as she rested her head against his shoulder. For the first time it wasn't heat that brought them together. It was the need to be close, to say with their bodies what they'd never been able to say with words.

He led her to a spot beneath a bower of tropical blooms, a spot where they were safe from prying eyes. Skin to skin. Heart to heart. They made love with passion and with sweetness.

And with the knowledge that they were moving toward something that neither one of them knew how to handle.

"I hate to leave," Megan said as they gathered up their belongings then placed them in the rowboat.

He looked at her, expecting to see the lie behind her words, but it wasn't there. "We could say to hell with the Sea Goddess."

"And do what?" she asked with a laugh. "Row our way around the world?"

"Live dangerously, Meggie. You never know what's around the corner."

A little girl, she thought as he helped her into the rowboat. The daughter I have to tell you about as soon as I find the courage.


When they parted company beneath an old mimosa tree in the center of town, Jake drew her into his arms and she went willingly.

"Tonight," Jake said.

Megan nodded, not trusting her voice.

Their kiss was so tender, so sweet, so unlike any they'd shared during their marriage that the last of her defenses crumbled at his feet. Tell him, her heart pleaded. He has the right to know he has a child. And, dear God, Jenny had the right to a father of her own.

She couldn't hide the truth from him any longer. Not if she wanted to look her daughter in the eye when she went home. Tonight when he came to her cabin she would tell him.

Jake vanished into the crowd. As part of the

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