Her Bad Boy Billionaire Lover (Billionai - By Bretton, Barbara Page 0,34

still a kid from Queensland, longing to see the world.

Francois angled his vehicle onto the sandy strip that passed for a driveway then turned off the ignition. "The parking brake," Claudine reminded him.

Francois grumbled but he complied. "Old woman, mind your own business."

"You are my business," Claudine said. "No one else would have you."

The affection between the husband and wife was obvious in every word and gesture that passed between them. Jake found himself wondering how it would have been for him and Megan if they'd managed to make a go of their own marriage but he couldn't bring the picture to life. The sex he could imagine in vivid detail. But the ordinary give and take that made up the fabric of a marriage was as alien to him as the concept of happily ever after.

He helped Francois unfasten the rowboat from the trailer hitched to the rear of the Land Rover. He intended to drag the boat down to the water but Francois insisted on holding up his end of the endeavor. Claudine gathered together the wine and fruit and cheese and followed behind.

"Maybe you'd better wait here," Jake said as he slid the rowboat into the water. It had occurred to him that Megan might be stark naked and not in the mood for greeting unexpected visitors. "I'll see where Megan is."

"Megan's right here."

They all turned to see his beautiful ex-wife gliding toward them across the scruffy lawn.

He met her eyes. "Francois and Claudine gave me a lift in their Rover." He gestured toward the rowboat Francois had tied to a stake in the ground. "And a rowboat."

Megan offered her best smile to the elderly couple. "I'm Megan McLean," she said, as Claudine kissed her on each cheek. "Thank you for helping us out."

Claudine beamed her approval. "And thank you, my dear, for gracing our little island. It's been a very long time since our handsome neighbor had a suitable companion and I--"

"You must excuse my beloved wife." Francois stepped forward and kissed Megan's hand. "She sometimes speaks before she thinks."

"Listen," said Jake, feeling the way he had in the sinking rowboat, "Claudine and Francois brought champagne but it's after three. We should be getting back to the dock."

Megan's smile faded. "I thought the Sea Goddess didn't sail until eight o'clock."

Claudine clapped her hands together sharply. "None of this talk about leaving. We won't hear of it until we've toasted to Jake's success."

Megan curiosity was piqued. "Jake's success?" She didn't mean to appear judgmental but playing piano on a yacht hardly called for a bottle of Perrier et Jouet.

"My dear, of course," said Claudine, linking her arm through Megan's. "When we first met him we certainly never thought he would come so far. His wife had just left him and--"

"Claudine," said Jake, his tone grim, "Megan is my ex-wife."

The poor woman's face turned lobster red. "Mon Dieu, how I wish you had told me so."

Megan laughed out loud. "Let's get some glasses from the kitchen, Claudine, and you can tell me all the terrible things Jake told you about his ex-wife."

"But there were no terrible things," said Claudine. "He was heartbroken and--"

"The champagne glasses," said Francois, shaking his head at his wife's volubility.

Jake was heartbroken? The thought intrigued Megan as she and Claudine headed toward the kitchen. Angry she would have believed. Out for blood. Sorry he'd ever gotten involved in the first place. But heartbroken? Not in a million years.

"About what you said out there," Megan began as she swung open the cupboards and took down four glasses for the champagne. "Was Jake--"

"Foolish talk from an old woman." Claudine mustered up a smile. "I spoke out of turn. You must forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive," said Megan.

Claudine looked at her curiously. "You're even prettier than I'd imagined you to be."

"Thank you." This was the oddest conversation Megan had ever had.

"You and Jake would have made beautiful children together."

Jenny's adorable face seemed to materialize right there in front of Megan. "Well, I--I mean, maybe we...." Her words trailed off guiltily. She was relieved when Francois and Jake appeared in the doorway.

"The afternoon is waning," said Francois in his quaintly accented English. "We must toast to Jake's success before he leaves for his--"

"This success," Megan said as Jake popped the cork. "I'm curious about--"

"They make too much of nothing," said Jake. He looked downright embarrassed. "Playing piano isn't worth champagne."

"Modesty," said Francois. "With all of his--"

The champagne bottle hit the floor with a crash, followed by a string

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