Hello My Angel - Sue Brown Page 0,74

affection, but Josh needed it, needed to be shown his place. Which was hopefully naked and under Cal.

Cal raised his head and smiled down at Josh, who took a moment to focus on him. “Hi.” His green eyes were dark and intense.

Josh licked his lips. “Hi. You’re here.” His whole attention was focused on Cal, the men either side of him forgotten.

“I am. God, I’m tired.” He yawned stale coffee into Josh’s face. Josh wrinkled his nose.

“Sorry,” Cal said.

“You need to rest.”

“Let’s go home and we can rest together.” Cal ducked under the barrier, picked up his bag and wrapped an arm around Josh’s shoulders. He ignored the two men, although Josh waved them a cheery farewell. Cal’s arm tightened around Josh as they walked away.

“Down, boy.” Josh grinned up at him. “They were just keeping me company while I was waiting for you.”

Cal growled under his breath. “It’s not all they’d have been keeping if you’d have given them the chance.”

Josh stopped in his tracks and tilted his head to look at Cal. “Is that what you think of me?”

Cal bit his lip, obviously realizing he was on dangerous ground. “Er… no?”

“Good answer,” Josh said snippily. He huffed and walked ahead, then he looked over his shoulder, smirking when he caught Cal’s eyes on his ass. “Are you coming?”

“Not yet,” Cal murmured. “I’m still hopeful.”

Josh’s smirk deepened. “That’s my boy.”

Cal pulled Josh in for another kiss that left them both squirming. “God, I’ve missed you.”

“Next time I’m going with you,” Josh insisted.

“Yes, you are,” Cal agreed. “If only to piss off Dominic.”

Josh cackled at the thought.

Cal settled into their Citroen with a sigh of relief. One of the useful things Josh had managed since Weatherly’s rescue was to get his driver’s license, although no one willingly went in the car with him. Dave swore he drove like a mosquito on crack. Cal seemed too tired to care this time and closed his eyes.

Josh slid behind the steering wheel and glanced at his passenger. His smile faded. Their welcome home orgasms would have to wait. Cal looked like he needed a week’s sleep and plenty of Peter’s cooking. He’d arrived last night with tubs of chili, lasagna, and other meals Josh hadn’t yet identified.

He laid his hand on Cal’s thigh and squeezed gently. “I love you, Charlie.”

Cal didn’t open his eyes as he murmured. “I love you too, Josh. Take me home.”

Josh started the car and reversed the Citroen out of the space. He flipped off whoever was leaning on their horn.

“In one piece, Angel,” Cal murmured.

Josh didn’t deign to respond but maybe he was a little more careful as he drove out of the car park.

Cal shed his jacket and shoes and crawled onto their bed to flop down with a sigh of relief. “There’s no place like home.”

The cat squawked and got off the bed, tail held high in a huff.

Josh sat down next to him and stroked down the long length of his back. “I’m not gonna let you go again. It was too long.”

“Tonight, you’ll sleep in my arms.” The words were mumbled into the pillow, but Josh understood.

That sounded heavenly but being Josh, he had to add, “You know Mr. Truffles is going to fight you for space next to me.”

“He can try,” Cal muttered.

Josh pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh, because in a battle of wills between Cal and the cat, Mr. Truffles was going to win every time.

“You’re smirking,” Cal said, not bothering to open his eyes.

“Maybe a little,” Josh agreed, leaning forward to press a kiss behind Cal’s ear. “Sleep for a while. I’ve got plans for you later.”


Cal fumbled and Josh caught his hand. “Sleep well, my Charlie.”

“Stay with me until I’m asleep, Angel.”

For about five minutes then. Josh smiled but he said, “I will.”

Josh pressed up against Cal’s broad back, his face buried in the nape of his neck, and wrapped his arm around Cal. He closed his eyes for a moment.

Josh had curled up on the sofa watching Netflix, the cat snuggled into the crook of his belly and legs when Cal emerged from the bedroom, wearing an old T-shirt and ratty sweats. It was almost nine o’clock and Josh had begun to despair that Cal would wake before morning. He’d slept longer than he expected but he’d been awake for an hour and now he wanted company. Josh licked his lips at the sight of his sleep-rumpled man.

“I feel like the living dead,” Cal mumbled as

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