Heartless Hunk - Ann Omasta Page 0,44

near my ear making the tiny hairs along my neck stand at attention.

After glancing down at the ice cream, Soraya looked into my eyes as she said, “I guess we don’t need to drown your sorrows in this stuff.”

She whirled around and returned the frozen treat to the freezer. Seeming uncertain what to do or say, she started rambling, “Looks like you two had a good weekend. Everything is fine here. I took good care of your succulents. Apparently, I’ve turned into the ‘plant whisperer.’ Oh, I met a guy, too.”

“You did?” I asked, excited for her and angry with myself for being too self-consumed with my love life to ask what had been going on with hers.

“Kind of.” She shrugged her shoulders. “He’s super-hot, but he’s a stuck-up suit, so I’m not sure if it will lead anywhere.”

“Soraya,” Oliver murmured with his hot breath so near my ear that it made my head tip woozily to the side. “I’m sure Vi wants to hear all about your new man, but if you wouldn’t mind giving us some privacy, I need to make love to her right now.”

“Oh,” Soraya’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head as her cheeks flushed pink. I’d never seen my bold friend blush over anything. Seeming completely flustered, she said, “Of course. I’ll go home.”

I wanted to reach out to my friend. It had been so kind of her to be here, ready to help mend my broken heart. But I needed Oliver now, and I was sure she would understand.

She grabbed her bag and started to rush past us. I infused my tone with extra warmth as I said to her, “Thanks, sweetie. I’ll call you tomorrow. I want to hear all about your stuck-up suit.”

“Sure,” she said as she breezed by us before adding, “I saw on the news that they are investigating a woman’s disappearance from your hometown. I’m glad you’re back in the city where it’s safe.”

I gave her a grin and nod, despite her off-kilter view of life in a small town. My instinct was to go to her to make sure she wasn’t upset by Oliver’s brush-off, but I knew my friend well enough to know that she wouldn’t take this personally. In fact, she confirmed that by giving me an exaggerated wink behind Oliver’s back before quietly closing the door behind her.

Deciding that I would call her first thing tomorrow to apologize for our rudeness and to get the scoop on her new man, I lunged into Oliver’s open arms.



Violet’s alarm went off at the butt crack of dawn. I wanted to shut it off and roll on top of her for some morning loving, but she bolted upright––apparently ready to start her day.

“I’m not at all prepared for today’s show. Normally, I get material for the entire week ready to go over the weekend, but I didn’t do anything this weekend.”

Her voice sounded a bit squeaky with panic, but I couldn’t help teasing her a bit. “Excuse me… You did something this weekend, and you did him incredibly well… multiple times.”

I gave her a wide smile, but she was already lunging out of bed and heading toward the bathroom. It was starting to look like her mind had already shifted gears into all-work, no-morning-nooky mode.

“I’ll be happy to take scrubbing that delectable body clean off your agenda, if you like,” I tried, but she pulled the bathroom door shut behind her.

I wanted nothing more than to remain in our secluded bubble of fantastic sex, delicious food, and overflowing happiness, but it appeared that Vi was ready to return to the daily work grind. When she emerged from the shower, she was dressed professionally and had her luscious red locks up in a sleek twist.

“Mmm,” I groaned when I caught sight of her prim business look. “I want to let that hair loose and rip that business suit off you.”

She narrowed her eyes in my direction. “Don’t you have to work?”

I had been wondering when this would come up. Until now, things had been casual between us. Vi hadn’t asked me about my career, evidently wanting to keep her distance. I had let her believe that being a reality television playboy was my only occupation.

“I probably should,” I admitted before adding, “But ever since my recovery from my surgery, I just can’t get back into the groove of being a corporate investment stiff on Wall Street. The money is fantastic, but it’s not my passion. It never has

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