Heartless Hunk - Ann Omasta Page 0,43

Dylan. It would give me hope for the distant future. I had been using Oliver as a learning experience, and he had taught me so much about my body and its wanton desires.

He looked so hopeful as he gazed lovingly at me. I almost didn’t dare to believe his professed feelings were true because it seemed too impossibly wonderful to be real.

Rather than answering his questioning gaze, I tipped my head to the side and pressed my lips up to his. He kissed me back––hungrily.

When we finally pulled our lips apart, we were both breathing heavily. “Oliver, is this real?”

“So real,” he assured me with sincerity overflowing in his unwavering gaze. He brushed the backs of his fingers along my jawline as he added, “I’ve never experienced anything that felt more real in my entire life.”

His adoring gaze and marvelous words allowed me to begin to open my heart to him. Needing to make sure I wasn’t misunderstanding, I asked, “So, we’re going to give a romantic relationship with each other a try?”

“There is no try––only do or do not, and I say we do.” He kissed the tip of my nose to enunciate his words.

I chuckled, thinking that he and Soraya would most likely end up getting along great. I was surrounding myself with Star Wars-quoting geeks. I guess one of these days I would have to admit to them that I’d never actually seen any of the movies. My mind was already conjuring images of a weekend movie marathon where the three of us got comfy to watch them all, eat popcorn, and further seal our bond.

Smiling with that vision of the not-too-distant future in my head, I said to Oliver, “I just have one question for you.”

His raised brows encouraged me to go on, so I asked, “My place or yours?”

“Yours is closer,” he said before leaning in to give me a tantalizing kiss filled with the promise of sensual delights to come.

His kiss left me breathless, so my words came out on a pant. “Let’s go.”

We quickly emerged from the car, grabbed our belongings, and ran hand-in-hand to turn in the keys. As we rode the subway towards my apartment, we stood at the same pole––even though there were plenty of seats available, due to the light, Sunday night crowd.

Oliver undressed me with his eyes and his hands roved over me in the pretense of steadying me against the subway car’s jerky movements. I’d never been big on public displays of affection, but it was all I could do to keep from tipping my face up to his for a kiss. The only reason I didn’t was that I feared we wouldn’t be able to stop at that.

Luckily, the stop closest to my apartment was only three away. I’d never thought of the subway as being particularly sexy, but apparently Oliver could make anything erotic. When we finally arrived at my stop, I took his hand and led him at a jog towards my apartment.

It dawned on me as we hurried to get to my place so we could ravage each other that this would take our relationship to a whole new level. Instead of a weekend getaway, he would be inside my home, and we could make this permanent, if we wanted to.

I wondered if not having the two-day time constraint would decrease our urgency for each other, but the way he was looking at me like he wanted to devour every inch of me eased that fear.

Eventually, we made it to my place. Oliver leaned down to kiss the back of my neck as I worked to unlock my front door. I wanted nothing more than to reach back and grab him, but I forced myself to wait until we were inside.

When I finally flung the door open, my step faltered when I caught sight of Soraya standing in my kitchen. Her back was to us as she dug through my freezer saying, “Welcome home. I brought chocolate decadence ice cream to help you get over…”

After turning, she froze in place, without finishing her sentence, staring at us with wide eyes. She held the container of ice cream aloft as she gawked in our direction. I could tell she was having trouble processing the fact that Oliver was here with me. She obviously hadn’t considered it any more of a possibility than I had.

Finally, she regained her wits enough to say, “Oliver, hi. I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

“Hi, Soraya.” His deep words rumbled

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