Heart Of Darkness (Transfusion Saga #10) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,94

me asking, in a blur of tears,

“Why does this keep happening to us?” At this I knew the sound of my pain was breaking his heart for he closed his eyes cutting off the crimson world he saw, then he told me,

“I don't know, my Khuba, my love, but I know one thing, I am going to make sure it never fucking happens again!” I didn't know how he ever expected to accomplish this, all I knew was that I would do whatever he asked of me to try and prevent it, because I too couldn't allow this to happen again.

“I can't do this without you again, I just can't… I just can't, Lucius,” I told him on a whisper, and he got down lower towards me and whispered back,

“You won't have to, for I promise you, I am not letting you out of my sight again.” This sounded like a promise and one I had no problem with, for I didn’t ever want to be apart from him again. Which was why I said in a small voice still raw from being emotional,

“Okay, shackles and all.” This made him grin down at me before agreeing in his sexy demonic voice,

“Shackles and all.”

After this was when he must have realised that we were not as alone as we would have liked. Which was when his head snapped up and he hooked me around the waist, tugging me to him. Doing so after first moving his dangerous armour at his side so it wouldn’t hurt me and now leaving his bare skin on show. Oh and a delicious hint of those rock hard abs and gills of muscles at his sides. Gods, but how I wanted him!

“You are the one who dared take what is mine!” Lucius’ demon bellowed when finding the one he classed as being responsible. But to give the King his due, he didn’t even flinch at the sight of what he knew was a formidable opponent. One, given what he had seen already, he most likely would lose to, as Lucius’ powers were beyond compare.

“I am King Auberon,” the King stated with his back straight, proud and unmoving.

“Then you are the man I am here to kill!” Lucius said making a step towards the King and giving me no choice but to try and pull him back. Then I shouted,

“Don’t, please don’t kill him!”

Thankfully, Lucius did stop but he did so just before he snarled back at me, most definitely getting the wrong impression. But with the King now seeing that Lucius’ anger was directed at me, he foolishly intervened, no doubt fearing for my life once more. And in that moment I was torn as on one hand the thought irked me, but seeing as I knew it was something that came from concern, then how angry could I be with him for now being the foolish one. Noble but foolish.

“I am the one who had her brought here and kept her from returning, if your anger is with anyone, it is with me not the girl!” I swallowed hard the second I saw Lucius’ eyes flash with crimson jealously.

“Then you will die for that offence, for no one keeps what is MINE FROM ME!” This time his wings spread out making me jump but instead of letting go, I merely clung on harder, because I knew he wouldn’t risk fighting if there was a chance of me getting hurt.

“Release me, my Khuba,” he ordered and I grimaced at how hurtful it sounded. But I stood my ground and snapped back,

“No, not a chance!” He growled down at me and warned again,

“Let me go, Amelia!” At this I clung on even harder and shouted even louder this time,


“If you do not, then be warned little one, you will force my hand in this.” I closed my eyes for a few seconds at the sound of his harsh words and forced them to the back of my mind. Then I swallowed hard and hit him with what I knew was the truth.

“What, and risk hurting me, would you really do that?!” I snapped.

“To get to my enemy, yes.” I sucked in a painful breath and shouted at him,

“You wouldn’t!” I challenged and suddenly I felt a hand collar my throat and squeeze as if in warning to prove his point. But thankfully it wasn’t hard enough to prevent me from speaking as I told him,

“He is not your enemy!” This turned out to be the wrong thing

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