Heart Of Darkness (Transfusion Saga #10) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,56

still streaming through the large arched windows, ones that were framed with an elaborately carved wooden arch, that had elvish symbols decorating it. This also meant that I was yet to see this place at night, if such a thing existed here.

There was everything in the room that one would expect to find, a bed, a dressing table, a few chairs, and a place to hang clothes, yet nothing was as I had ever seen before. It was as if nothing was made with only a single purpose, as if its use came secondary to its beauty. In fact, it reminded me of all those grand manor homes I had visited whilst living in England on the days off from work that I didn't fancy spending at home in my little flat building Lego and watching reruns of Star Trek in my pj’s. When I could be bothered to catch the train, I would go as far as I was able in the short time I had off. Because that was the beauty about England, you were only ever a stone’s throw away from some of the most beautiful architecture in the world.

A romanticised era gone by of the likes of Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte. A time when men were true gentlemen, and it was a custom to take your hat off when entering a room or rise from your chair when a lady rose from her own. But it was also within these homes that the gentry used as a means to show off their wealth. And what better way than to fill your home with the all the world had to offer in the way of elite craftmanship. Down to the very teacup you drank from, to the plates you ate your cucumber sandwiches off. The grand pianos that adorned drawing rooms, and fancy furniture that had been brought from the places these great lords and ladies would visit.

Everything was a show of wealth and I had to question if that was the same here. Or was it just that everyone in this realm was born into great craftsmanship. Then again, I had to remember that I was currently sleeping in a castle, and I very much doubted that a King such as Auberon would have anything less than the beauty he seemed so fond of. I thought back to Afterlife and knew that it was certainly a common theme with Kings, my own father included.

Therefore, I ignored the sleek, curled lines of this world’s beauty, and the carved fauna that they welcomed into their homes with each design. And instead went in search of that all-important bathroom that my bladder so desperately sought.

“Thank the heavens!” was my response to finding a bathroom, complete with plumbing at last! The bathroom was all carved from quartz of some kind, including a bathtub that would have been big enough for me and the cast of Grease! It took up practically the whole room, and my first thought was how I wished that I'd started running the water before I took a nap as it would probably take that long to fill it.

“You pull on that chain there, in case you were wondering.” I gasped in shock at now finding that I was not alone and spun around to find myself facing a young woman. One who was, aside from Pip, most likely the cutest girl I had ever seen in my whole life!

She had a mass of wavy hair that was a dark and deep purple at the roots before it shaded into a stunning raspberry colour then ending at the tips in a light pastel pink. It was most definitely unusual, but I had a feeling that it was also natural as it didn’t exactly strike me as the type of place that sold hair dye. But then, other than the slightly pointed ears I could see poking through, she didn’t exactly strike me as being Fae either. Because she was nothing like them, as in, at all.

But this was also because of her facial features, or what could be seen of them, as one half of her face was hidden by a curtain of her thick, wavy hair. She also had large, doll like eyes that were similar to her hair colour, being the same dark raspberry colour that was ringed with a lighter pinkish tone. A slight pink freckling dusted the skin at her cheeks and bridge of her small button nose. Perfect heart shaped lips

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