Heart Of Darkness (Transfusion Saga #10) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,26

at me.

But this was unsurprising, being the type of being he was as Fae were known for their beauty, as in… every way. And this guy was no exception to that gene pool, apart from he had a slightly more rugged beauty than I had expected. But then again, he was a captain and obviously spent his days killing raiders.

He had long, dark blonde hair that was plaited at the sides in neat rows and looked to have been brushed to a high shine, despite all the killing I mentioned. Which made it clear that this was no doubt a natural form of his beauty, along with his bright green eyes that stared back at me with a regal look to them, that matched his high cheekbones, thin nose and pointed chin. Chiselled lines that mirrored the shape of his hairline, one that came down slightly into a V shape on his forehead.

He was definitely someone of power and great importance, that much was clear even without him declaring it himself by being named the captain of the guards. Yet I was still to learn his name, making me wonder if he had kept it from me on purpose. Maybe I just wasn't important enough to him to be granted it, as his next question to me certainly suggested so.

“What is the name of your master?”

“Err, now just wait a minute, I said boyfriend, not master… let's get it straight right now, for I belong to no one!” I said, clearly being affronted by the terminology he used as I was starting to think the equal rights obviously didn't exist in this realm. Just then, before I could open my mouth to say more, I watched as the captain nodded to one of his men to go ahead and cut the dragon free of the golden net.

However, the second they were free the brothers didn’t just fly straight up in the air as I had expected. Instead I felt the vibrations at my back before the air whipped around my hair, knowing now that the brothers were changing back. This was when I wisely took a few steps further back, that put me closer to the man in charge… whoever he may be.

Although to give the guy credit, he was still gentlemanly enough to put an arm out in front of me as if to protect me from what was happening. Because one thing became clear to everyone witnessing this incredible sight, for this may have been the Land of Dragons… but it wasn't the land of shifters that turned into them.

This meant that when the whirlwind of power disappeared, the captain sucked in a startled breath when it left three men stood at the centre that none of the army were expecting to see. I knew this the second the army’s weapons were quickly pointed in the direction of the McBain brothers.

“No! Don't they’re with me, they’re harmless!”

“Speak fur yersel', lass!” Trice said with a fold of his arms and standing dead centre with his brothers either side him, oh, and looking as menacing as ever.

“This is impossible!” the captain shouted, obviously witnessing the first of their kind in these lands.

“I told you they are shifters, and they came with me… they are, well, like my bodyguards,” I said, trying once again to get him to understand that they weren't a threat, although considering they had just shifted from the sight of a three headed dragon, then I guess this still needed to be proven as my words were a little above being useless right now.

“What th' girl says is true, we wur sent tae escort her back tae oor King whin a witch sent us 'ere instead,” Trice stated firmly, and I sighed in relief when the captain made a hand gesture to get his men to lower their weapons. This was before shocking us all and telling us,

“Yes, I am aware of your troubles, for was all known before your Princess here told me her long tale of woe.”

“Seriously, you let me just keep…” I was cut off when he winked at me and Trice snarled,

“How the fu…”

“I believe what my brother is trying to say, or ask, for a lack of better phrase, is if you would be so kind as to explain how it is you knew we were coming?” Vern said in his posh and diplomatic way, something that ended up being pointless when his brother added,

“Yeah, so lik' I said, how th' fuck!?”

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