Heart Of Darkness (Transfusion Saga #10) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,114

she informed me of the Master I held in my grasp now. Moments before she discovered the head of the snake I needed to slay. That’s when I realised that she knew he was out here hiding because she must have hit him.

But then the horror of this started to seep into my subconscious, nagging at me that something was wrong…

In. A. Big. Fucking. Way!

Because now I asked myself only one question…

Where was the blade?

Where was the blade she had thrown and why was it not still embedded in his flesh? I looked on the floor briefly, hoping to see it there glinting in the grass from where he had pulled it out and tossed it aside… but there was nothing .

It was in this moment that dread started to flood my system and the moment I heard my name being roared in panic from back in the office, was when I knew the worst had happened.

“Lucius no! Don't kill him! You can't kill him!” This was being bellowed at me from my commander, for now Carn’reau was running towards me and before I could move, he tore my arm from the Wraith Master’s throat, making him drop to the floor. Then, before my demon could snarl down at him for tearing the kill from me, he pointed back to the office and said only one thing that filled my veins with ice!

Stone cold dread.

“If you kill him… she will die.” This was when I tore my angry gaze from him and looked to where my girl was. That was when I saw her.

“NO!” I roared like a furious beast as I could now see my girl laying on the floor with the blade she had once thrown now stuck out of her flesh. I didn't even remember moving, it was all natural instinct from there, as I was outside one moment and in the next, I was by her side, kneeling next to her. I took her head and cradled it, then I snatched the blade from where it was embedded in her own shoulder, just glad it had missed her heart. That it hadn't killed her instantly.

Meaning I could save her!

I instantly bit into my wrist, tearing flesh off to ensure I would spill lots of blood. Then I held it to her lips urging her to drink.

“Drink, come on… come on, Amelia, I said drink!” I snapped giving her little shake, and the utter relief I felt when she moved her lips against my wrist, well it was like a fucking prayer had been answered.

But then that was the sickening thing about the Gods, something I knew all too well. For as quickly as they were to give life, they were just as quick to take it away.

That was the same with prayers answered.

I knew this when she started to cough up the blood that she had consumed and was supposed to be healing her. She kept on bringing it up, unable to keep it down.

“NO!” I shouted before raising it to my lips biting in even further before holding her mouth open and letting it pour down her throat.

“Come on, Amelia, come on, baby, just swallow it down,” I urged, this time my voice more soothing than angry. But again, she just vomited it up and the sight had me in utter fucking panic! This was when I decided to go straight for the source, ripping open her dress wider where she had been stabbed ready to place my bleeding palm over the wound. But then I hissed when I finally saw for myself the problem.

The King sucked in a sharp breath next to me, for he knew what this was. He started speaking but I wasn’t listening. No, I only listened to her heartbeat, one that was barely beating.

“Come on now, Amelia, wake up, wake up for me… come on, open those pretty eyes for me… Gods, please… PLEASE!” I kept speaking to her, but she would not respond. Which is when the King lowered to his knee, now looking at the wound that was turning black and spreading out much further than it should have been. As if an infection was growing and getting closer to her heart. I heard people speaking around me again, the brothers were talking, asking what was happening but I was blanking it all out, just talking to my girl. I heard a roar of anger, a muffled sound of pain, even a girl’s scream.

But I dismissed it all.


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