Heart Of Darkness (Transfusion Saga #10) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,112

about it as the next was coming down at me, that was until I kicked my body up, and ended up travelling straight through its body! I cried out in sheer horror at what I saw as for a moment I was in a large black void of someone’s mind that was completely filled by cage after cage of chained dead decaying warriors!

It was one of the most frightening sights I had ever seen, as in that single moment in time as I travelled through all the decaying men, they looked towards me and all screamed at me at the same time, so that when I landed on the ground after making it through to the other side of the phantom, I had my ears covered to drown out the ear bleeding sound of thousands of souls imprisoned by one being.

“Amelia!” Lucius shouted obviously hearing my torment and thought that it came from me being hit. So, I forced the pain of what I had just seen through from my mind and made my body stand, gaining my feet once more.

But I didn’t regret what I had seen, for now I knew. I knew in that moment that this small army indeed had a master. A master pulling at the strings of its puppets, commanding them to do its will. As now I had formed a connection and I saw him, as if he was moving in a different time. As if everything around him was being distorted. And as I had crossed over from his prison void, I now had a name to go with the enemy we fought. He was a Wraith Master.

So with the echoing of screams still ringing in my head, I swung my blade out again and again, trying to force back the phantom who I knew now had no choice but to fight. Its screams were getting louder in my mind as every time a blade travelled through one from the Kings’ swords or the brother’s arrow, hammer or deathly ice blade, every time it sliced into the creature it felt the pain of it despite no damage being done.

I also saw for myself just how long they could last for, as their souls belonged to this Wraith Master and his use of them was…


I knew we only had one chance at defeating them, as there was only one real enemy to find and to fight. One still hiding in the shadows.

“SAVE HER!” Lucius shouted trying to get someone free enough to be able to save me, in his noble attempt to get me out of danger. But then by doing this, he had opened himself up for an attack and just as one of the ghostlike creatures had raised up his blade and was about to hammer it down onto Lucius' face, I reacted. I just reacted without thinking and I threw my own blade before realising that it would have no chance to do anything in the way of hurting the phantom. What it did do was fly straight through his shoulder and out the window.

But this was when something curious happened, as every one of the ghosts screamed, and now I wasn’t the only one to hear it. Then every single one all grabbed a hand to their shoulders as if all of them had taken the hit. That's when I knew that finally…

I had found the Wraith Master in the shadows.

This was enough to get Lucius to be able to block the oncoming attack in time, for it stunned the ghostly figure he had been fighting long enough for Lucius to dodge the blow. Then when it was safe to do so, he looked at me over his shoulder and I winked at him.

Then I pointed with my hand out towards the window the moment I saw the glowing eyes of white in the distance. The Wraith Master was hiding just in the garden beyond. He was the one that they needed to kill, which is when I told Lucius,

“You need to cut the head off the snake and he's out there, not in here!” Lucius looked to where I was pointing to and didn't need any more directions than this before he was charging towards the window, ready to run straight through it. However, the thing that he never saw coming and neither did I, was the Wraith Master had plucked my own blade out of his shoulder and in a fit of rage threw it back towards me.


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