Healing Hearts (New Hope Falls #6) - Kimberly Rae Jordan Page 0,101

the equipment and products they used for their jobs. When he came back to the truck, he said, “Sophia told me to stay away until tomorrow.”

Michael’s brows rose. “Really? She doesn’t seem to be the sort to tell you what to do.”

Ryker shrugged. “I think she felt guilty about all the time I was spending driving back and forth from here to Seattle. Also that being with her and Bryson was taking me away from work.”

“We were doing okay without you for the last couple of hours of each day.”

“I know.” Ryker pulled another bag of mulch toward him, then rested his hand on the smooth plastic. “I’m just respecting what she wants.”

“But you don’t want to,” Michael stated with a contemplative look on his face.

“Oh, I do want to respect what she wants.” Ryker lifted the bag up onto his shoulder. “I just wish that what she wanted wasn’t for me to stay away for a few days.”

“I must say I’m enjoying this,” Michael called after him as Ryker walked to the building.

Ryker rolled his eyes even though Michael couldn’t see it. He knew what the guy was getting at, but he didn’t want to have that conversation with him.

When he returned to the truck to get the last bag, Michael was still there, leaning against the lowered tailgate.

“Vivianne with Lani?” Ryker asked, hoping his friend would leave the previous subject alone.

“Yep. I’m going to the shop to meet up with her for supper. I think we’re going to Norma’s. Do you want to join us?”

“Nah. I’m just going to head for home.” His agitation was growing, and he needed to be in his own space so as not to have to explain what was going through his head. There was no way to explain it without having to share everything.

“Oh, come into the house before you go,” Michael said as he turned and headed for the mobile home he lived in, Wolfie at his heels.

Ryker stared at his friend until he disappeared into the house. Resigned to whatever Michael wanted to talk to him about, he finished unloading the last few things from the truck, then made his way to the front door.

He’d become familiar with the house over the past few months. It was almost like a second home to him now, so he just opened the door and walked inside.

Michael was standing at the counter with a small diaper bag in front of him. “Lani asked me to pack another outfit and bottle since we hadn’t planned to stay out for dinner when I got her stuff together this morning.”

“Date night?” Ryker asked.

“I guess you could call it that. We haven’t really gone out without Vivianne, so maybe it’s just a family dinner.”

Ryker smiled at that. “I’m glad you two finally worked everything out.”

Michael’s usually serious face was suddenly transformed when he smiled. “Me too.”

Figuring that his friend might take the conversation back to Sophia, Ryker said, “What did you want to talk to me about?”

Michael turned and picked up an envelope from the counter. “Can you give this to Sophia?”

Frowning, Ryker took it from him. “What is it?”

“On Sunday, I mentioned what was happening with Sophia and Bryson to our Bible study group,” he said. “Jillian—one of the women in the group—said that when her grandmother was in the hospital, the extra cost of buying food each day while she spent time with her there, added up quickly. She suggested that maybe we should collect some money to help Sophia out with that.”

Ryker stared down at the envelope he held. This was something he would have been a part of back before he’d decided to separate himself from the church. The body of Christ coming together to help others.

“I’ve also put in the money that I would have paid her for this week to take care of Vivianne.”

He looked up to find Michael watching him. Ryker had to swallow hard before he could respond. “I’m sure she’ll appreciate that.”

A small smile lifted the corners of Michael’s mouth. “I’m sure she’ll be resistant to accepting it.”

Ryker gave a gruff laugh. “Yeah. You’re probably right. But what’s she gonna do? Since this is from you and not me, she won’t be able to give it back.”

“She’ll probably still try.” Michael’s expression sobered. “But just let her know that we care about her and are praying for her and Bryson.”

“I’ll tell her that.”

“Also, I think Lani would like to visit her. Is that possible? Or is Bryson coming

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