Healing Hearts (New Hope Falls #6) - Kimberly Rae Jordan Page 0,100

Desperate for a change of subject, she said, “How are Michael, Lani, and Vivianne doing?”

“They’re doing good. Vivianne will be a pro at floral arrangements any day now.”

Sophia smiled at that. “I hope it’s not been too much trouble for Lani to have her at the shop.”

“Both Michael and Lani have told me to let you know that everything is just fine, but that Vivianne can’t wait to see you and Bryson again.”

“Wow. Vivianne has certainly excelled in the few days I’ve been away.”

Ryker smiled. “I know she misses both of you.”

“We miss her too.” Sophia was sure that Bryson would have agreed with that if he’d been awake and alert.

Ryker hesitated for a moment before saying, “Things will go back to normal. Maybe not all at once, but you both will move past this.”

She knew that there was a possibility that Bryson would struggle with some things afterward, but they would cross that bridge when they got to it. And if that was a bridge she never had to cross, she’d be so very grateful.

“Do you want me to come tomorrow?” Ryker asked.

Though she very much wanted him to come, she didn’t need him to. “No. We’ll be fine, and I promise to eat.”

“Glad to hear it. I’ll call you again tomorrow night, okay?”

She nodded. “Thank you for calling tonight.”

“You’re welcome.” He paused, staring intently at the phone. “Take care of yourself.”

Sophia wanted to say more—to share more of what was in her heart—but instead, she just said, “I will. You too.”


She stared at the dark screen on her phone for a moment before setting it aside. With an aching heart and a bit of a headache, she picked up her sandwich and finished it, acknowledging that all of Ryker’s admonitions about her eating enough were valid.

Once she was done with the sandwich and milk, she put the garbage in the trash can then went into the small, attached bathroom to get ready for bed. It didn’t take long to change into a pair of sleep pants and a T-shirt and brush her teeth. She quickly washed her face with the soap provided by the hospital, then used the towel there to dry off.

When she settled onto the bed a few minutes later, she opened her Bible app to the verse of the day. She let out a huff of laughter as she read it.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Definitely a reminder that she needed right then. But it was a struggle to find things to rejoice in considering their surroundings. And giving thanks in everything? Yeah, that was even harder.

But she forced herself to think about their situation and find three things to be thankful for.

I am thankful that Bryson is doing better.

I am thankful for the medical staff who take care of him every day.

I am thankful for the care and concern of Nana and Ryker.

She paused, then added on I am thankful for my family.

After resolving to make a thankful list each night, she squeezed her eyes shut and began to pray. After she’d prayed for Bryson and for God’s provision for her bills, she prayed for Ryker and whatever it was that had led him away from practising medicine.

It was so evident that he had a natural gift for dealing with children. She’d seen that even before Bryson had gotten sick.

She knew that if God did lead him back to medicine, there was a pretty good chance that she and Bryson wouldn’t see him much at all. But other children deserved the opportunity to be the recipient of his caring nature, especially when they were dealing with particularly stressful diagnoses.

The thought of not having Ryker in their lives deepened the ever-present ache in her heart, and in the dimly lit hospital room, she once again ended her day in tears. Crying made her feel weak. But she knew that with everything else going on, she needed to let the emotions out when she was alone. If she didn’t, she was sure to have a meltdown in front of everyone at some point.

Bryson needed her to be strong, so strong she would try her very best to be.

But not right then.


“You heading to the hospital?” Michael asked as Ryker unloaded the leftover bags of mulch that they’d used on a small job that afternoon.

“No.” He hefted a bag up onto his shoulder and headed into the large building where Michael stored

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