Healing Carson's Little - Izaia Winter Page 0,40

my plate when Carson’s hand settled on mine once again.

“Leave it,” he said, brushing his fingers across the back of my hand as he released me.

For a straight man, Carson was very touchy-feely.

“It’s only fair that we clean up since you cooked. At least, that’s what my mama always claimed.” My attempt to lighten the mood failed as Carson’s gaze intensified.

“I insist.”

“Um, okay?” I half-stated half-asked, unsure as to what was going on in his head.

“Lee put you in a precarious situation last night—”

“I’m sorry. It was nothing—”

“It wasn’t nothing,” he said, cutting off my excuses. “What if you had wanted to go home again? What if you’d had another panic attack? What if Lee had misjudged my character?”

“Umm.” I wiggled in my chair, melting under his intensity, knowing he was incensed on my behalf.

“Umm is right.” Carson stood, picking up my plate as well as his. “Do you mind?” he asked.

“Mind what?”

“If I deal with Lee?”

For such a simple question, it held a lot of meaning behind it. “How?”

I needed to know. If there was about to be some punishment scene, I didn’t want to witness it. A whole lot of jealousy mingled with a pinch of fear in my gut.

Carson’s face softened. “Nothing too strenuous,” he clarified. “I figured Lee could clean up our breakfast.”

I looked at all the dirty dishes on the table and glanced over at the numerous pots and pans filling up the sink. I’d had the stray thought as I’d watched Carson cook that he wasn’t very efficient, but now I knew why. He’d been purposely making a mess for Lee to clean.

I lifted a hand and covered my smile. I nodded, a tiny laugh escaping from between my fingers as I imagined Lee’s disgruntled face as he scrubbed the dishes.

Carson winked as he turned toward the kitchen.

“Thanks for letting us crash here last night,” Law said, taking the dirty dishes from Carson.

He glared at Lee who squirmed under his gaze. “Law, would you please hand the plates to Lee and then leave the kitchen.”

“What? Why?” Law did as he was told, glancing between the two of them with a frown. He stopped on Lee who was suddenly sporting a very guilty expression. “Lee? What did you do?”

It was strange seeing Lee in a submissive position, but also as if I was seeing the real him for the first time, the him he kept buried under layers of respectability and authority afforded by his position.

Lee set the plates in the sink and then placed a finger on the counter, swiveling it back and forth. “I know I fucked up, but—”

“Lee? What did you do?” Law demanded, his hands on his hips as he moved to Carson’s side.

Lee sighed. “I was supposed to take Miller home yesterday after the game, but then you called and asked to meet downstairs—”

“Because I thought you were alone. You left him up here?”

“I got distracted,” he whined.

“You always get distracted.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m not the one you need to be sorry to,” Law said, leaving the kitchen as Carson had asked.

Lee looked at me, regret in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Miller.”

“It’s okay,” I said quietly, knowing accepting his apology wouldn’t absolve him of the guilt he felt. It was a part of what made us submissive, the need to atone for our misdeeds in ways that when beyond mere words.

“Clean up duty is on you,” Carson said, grabbing the sponge from the sink and pressing it into Lee’s hand.

“Dishes? I have to do the dishes?” Lee sighed. “Fine.”

“With less attitude, please.” Carson returned to the table. “While Lee’s doing the dishes, would you like to watch some TV?”

Nodding, I stood and followed Carson to the couch.

In the meantime, Law had put on his shoes and was gathering his things. “Well,” he said as he stood. “It’s been fun, but I got to go.”

“See you later,” Carson replied, reaching for the remote.

“And it was nice meeting you, Miller. Lee talks about you a lot. I hope we can get together some other time and get to know each other better.”

“I’d like that,” I said, sensing he actually meant it.

Law smirked at Lee as he walked past him toward the door. “Have fun.”

“Shut up,” Lee replied, scrubbing the pot in his hands with all his worth.

With a final cackle, Law was out the door.

Remembering the broken bath bomb I’d hidden in the bathroom, I felt my own guilt return. “Carson?”


I licked my lips. “When I went to the bathroom this morning, I accidentally

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