Healing Carson's Little - Izaia Winter Page 0,39

aren’t you going to eat?”

I nodded as Carson reached for the plate of tortillas that were just out of my reach. I took one and set about making my breakfast as Law and Lee continued to bicker like an old married couple across the table.

I laughed as they began one-upping each other with outlandish stories that couldn’t possibly be true.

“You’re the one who swam naked in the fountain and almost got caught by campus security.”

“You dared me to do that!” Law narrowed his eyes on Lee. “You’re the one who went streaking through the quad at midnight. On. Your. Own.”

Lee wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk. “You liked it.”

I giggled at the two as Carson pushed the plate of bacon in front of me. A sprinkling of cheese and a slathering of salsa later, my breakfast was complete. I might have added a little too much salsa because as soon as I took my first bite, it along with a good portion of eggs and cheese plopped out of the other end and landed on my hand before making its way to my plate.

I chewed as I set my taco back down and frowned at my dirty hand. I looked around the table for a napkin and spied them at the other end.

“Carson, could you get me a…” I trailed off as Carson picked up his napkin and took my hand in his. With a few efficient swipes, he cleaned my hand of any lingering salsa.

Carson paused, his hand still holding mine. “Shit.” He let go and dropped the soiled napkin next to his plate. “Sorry, force of habit.” He grimaced as he reached for a clean napkin and passed it to me. “Here.”

I took the napkin and fisted it in my hand. “Thanks.”

I stared at my plate as a warm, bubbly sensation grew in my chest.

So much for the friend zone, I thought as my fingers still tingled at his gentle, caring touch.

I was at a loss for words. I glanced across the table to see if either Lee or Law had noticed our exchange, but was glad to see they were still preoccupied with their harmless squabble.

“Miller,” Carson said quietly as he placed his hand on my arm. “I really am sorry. I overstepped my bounds, and that’s unacceptable. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

I was the exact opposite of uncomfortable. In fact, I knew if I let him, Carson could make me feel very, very comfortable. I wiggled in my chair, my stubborn cock making a valiant effort to rise.

I found myself in a vicious cycle.

The more attentive and considerate he was, the more I liked it. The more I liked it, the more aroused I got. The more aroused I got, the more awkward and ill at ease I was. The more awkward and ill at ease I was, the more attentive and considerate he got.

Oh, fuck me.

I rocked forward, pressing my chest into the table to hide my inconvenient erection. “It’s fine.”

Carson was quiet, but his hand was still on my arm. I looked over to find him staring at me, his eyes narrowed as he gave me a considering look. I didn’t like the knowing glint in his eye.

“Of course,” he said, running his hand down my arm in what I assumed he thought was a friendly manner before dropping it to his side.

I bit my lip when a moan threatened to escape as I imagined his hand touching other places, naughty places.

He’s straight, I reminded myself. He’s just a friend.

It wasn’t working.

I was quiet throughout the rest of breakfast, throwing out a word here and there as needed. Lee and Law kept up most of the conversation. Carson tried, but he seemed just as distracted as I was. I hoped like hell he hadn’t figured out my attraction to him. There was nothing more embarrassing than lusting after someone who didn’t return the favor, who couldn’t return the favor.

Feeling full, I leaned back in my chair, placed my hands on my stomach, and waited for everyone else to finish.

“Thanks for breakfast, Carson,” Lee said as he stood with his empty plate. He went to the kitchen and placed his dishes in the sink. Law mirrored his sentiments as he followed close behind.

“It was delicious,” I said, trying to get back on an even footing with him. “Thank you.”

“It was my pleasure.”

I smiled, inwardly cursing at the way his voice had deepened on the word pleasure.

Was he trying to kill me?

I reached for

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