Healing Carson's Little - Izaia Winter Page 0,29

our group.

Carson took one look at me, closed his eyes, and then took a deep, calming breath. “Real mature, guys, real ma—”

“I’m here! I’m here!” Red yelled as he raced through the door. He stopped just inside the doorway and bent over with his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. “Don’t start. Without me. I’m here.”

“Oh, for the love of, where is Nate?”

Red pointed toward the door he’d left open. “I left. Him on the. Stairs. I raced. Up.”

Nate casually strolled into the room a few seconds later. He closed the door and then moved to Red’s side. “Well?”

“I think. I’m dying,” Red replied, clutching his chest.

“Was it worth it?” Nate asked calmly.

“Yes?” Red slowly stood up, his breathing beginning to resemble something close to normal.

Nate sighed. “Do you need some water, little bit?”

“Yes, please.”

Red followed Nate into the kitchen and eagerly waited as Nate fixed him a glass of ice water.

Nate took the glass back as soon as Red drained it, refilled it, and then handed it back. “Carson, you mind if I stick around?”

Carson shook his head. “You know you’re always welcome to stay.”

“I know. I just thought I’d ask. Someone,” Nate said, patting Red’s butt as he led him to the table, “has had a bit of an attitude today.”

“Daddy,” Red whispered as he turned to Nate and tugged at the hem of Nate’s shirt. “Stop it. You’re embarrassing me in front of my friends.”

“Well then, maybe you should behave,” Nate whispered back as he booped Red on the nose. “Sit.”

Red flopped down in his chair, glaring at Nate’s back as he walked away toward the living room couch.

“And wipe that look off your face.”

Red stuck his tongue out at Nate then whipped his head back around, his face the picture of innocence. “So, who’s breaking me out of jail?” he asked, reaching for his box of stuff.

Everyone around me laughed, and Carson took that as his cue to start the game.

I tried to pay attention, I did, but I couldn’t forget Nate’s presence only a few feet away. I peeked over my shoulder. He was lying on the couch with his sock-clad feet resting on the armrest and a tattered paperback novel lying on his chest. Turning back to the table, I could feel my attention splitting between the game and the occasional sound of a page turning.

Looking up, I noticed Red was unusually quiet. Not that I knew him well enough to make that judgment, but the week before, he had been bright and bubbly. I couldn’t help wondering if his change in attitude was because of Nate or his own boredom.

He’d already tried escaping several times, but a series of bad dice rolls had left him with a personal guard stationed outside of his cell. In the end, there wasn’t much he could do to help while being monitored so closely.

Dropping the miniatures he’d been silently playing with, he turned to Carson and tugged on the sleeve of his shirt to get his attention.


Red beckoned him with his finger, and Carson leaned in close so Red could whisper in his ear.

With a smile and a wink, he waved Red away.

Red pushed back his chair with a beaming smile and left the table, his eyes laser-focused on Nate. Tiptoeing across the room, Red giggled as he leaned over from behind Nate and snatched the book from his hands.

“Hey.” Nate tracked the book as it lifted into the air and disappeared behind Red’s back. “What do you think you’re doing?”

I held my breath. I couldn’t see Nate’s face, but I could hear the anger in his voice.

“Nothing,” Red said innocently as he rounded the couch. Placing one knee on the cushion next to Nate’s hip, Red straddled Nate’s body, wiggled and giggled until he was stretched out on top of him, and then rested his chin on Nate’s chest. “There. Perfect.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be playing?” Nate asked, his hands coming up to stroke Red’s back.

“I’m still in jail,” Red answered with a smile, suddenly sounding quite pleased with his predicament. “There’s not much I can do except wait for someone to come get me out. Carson said he’d call me back when they needed me.”

“Well then,” Nate said, a hand gliding down Red’s thigh. “I can do… this.”

With a quick jerk and an explosive laugh from Red, Nate twisted them both until they were on their sides, Red squished between the back of the couch and Nate’s body. Nate nuzzled

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