Headhunter (With Me in Seattle Mafia #2) - Kristen Proby Page 0,56

just listen and try to see this from my perspective, but she’s too angry.

It’ll have to wait.

“We’ll leave in an hour.”

She turns on her heel and walks away, and I return to the kitchen, where everyone is still waiting.

“Looks like we’re headed to Dallas,” is all I say.

“I really like her, son,” Pop says with a grin. “Keep that one.”

Ninety minutes later, we’re all on the jet, headed for Dallas. Even Pop and Igor decided to join.

They don’t usually go into the field anymore—haven’t for many years—but they wanted to come along. They’ll visit a friend in Dallas while we find Pavlov.

“Do you realize what you’re about to do?” I ask Ivie, who’s sitting across from me. Her gaze flies to mine and holds steady.

Good girl.


“He isn’t a stranger,” I remind her, aware that all eyes are on us. Nadia watches with concern and reaches out to pat Ivie on the shoulder.

“No, he’s a monster,” Ivie says in a firm voice. “And he killed my mother. I’ve seen the photos of what he did to her. To save his own ass. And I remember, in vivid detail, the things he made me do on his behalf. He doesn’t deserve to live.”

I sigh and realize that I won’t be able to talk her out of this. But she won’t go alone.

“Blood isn’t always family,” Igor says, looking intently at Ivie. “Sometimes, what’s born into a family is not the same. Does not belong.”

I glance at Nadia, knowing full well that Igor is speaking of his son.

“And there are other times when family has no blood tie at all, and that’s what we have with you, Ivie. You are one of us, and we will do everything in our power, which is considerable, to keep you safe and make sure you have your revenge.”

Ivie blinks quickly, soaking in his words.

“Now, you said earlier that you thought you could trust these men, and I’m here to assure you that you can. But you already know that. Your anger is warranted, but make sure you focus it on the appropriate target. Shane was doing what he thought was right. Because he cares for you and doesn’t want you hurt.”

“I know,” she whispers and blows out a breath then looks up at me. Everything we’ve been through together flows between us. We’re going to be okay. “I know that.”


“One more thing,” Nadia adds. “Don’t hesitate. If you do, you won’t go through with it, and you could be hurt. If your intention is to kill, don’t pause. He may be an old man, but he could be dangerous. Keep your mind clear. Don’t let him surprise you. I made that mistake, and it almost cost Carmine and me our lives.”

Ivie nods in agreement.

We spend the rest of the flight in relative quiet. We check weapons for the fifth time, just in case. With a face made of stone, Ivie tucks her sidearm into the holster at the small of her back after checking the magazine.

She’s not shaky. She’s not upset.

She’s on a mission.

I glance at Curt and see him nod. He’s thinking the same thing I am. She needs this. No matter how much I want to protect her from it, to shelter her, she needs it.

And we’ll be here for her through it.

Shortly after landing in Dallas, we climb into a large, black SUV, and Rocco drives us to a suburb, while a guard drives my father and Igor to another location.

They didn’t tell us where they were going, just that they had someone to pay a visit to.

I hope they’re not going to see the Dallas syndicate without us. I know that our fathers are powerful men, but they shouldn’t go in alone. This isn’t the time.

But I’m not the boss. They are. And what they say goes. I have to block that out, secure in the knowledge that they’re not currently in danger, and focus entirely on Ivie and the mission ahead.

“That’s his,” Rocco says, pointing to a small house as we drive past. The curtains are drawn in the front, but not the sides. The blue paint is peeling as if the person living there hasn’t had the money or inclination to keep it painted.

“Bastard is living better than he ever did when I was a kid,” Ivie mutters. “Why aren’t you stopping?”

“Because we need to make sure nothing is going on,” I reply and take her hand in mine. To my relief, she doesn’t pull away. “Rocco will circle the

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