Headhunter (With Me in Seattle Mafia #2) - Kristen Proby Page 0,55


“I can’t believe this. I trusted you. All of you. And you withheld this from me? What possible reason could there be for that, knowing what that monster did to me?”

“We were gathering information, little one,” Igor says, and I turn to him. His eyes are full of compassion, and it’s almost my undoing.

But I firm my lower lip and look around the room at a group of men I thought were being honest with me—and just feel complete betrayal.

Especially from Shane.

“Tell me more.”

“I saw him with my own eyes. He goes by the name of James Peterson now,” Rocco adds. “I sat in front of his house in a suburb outside of Dallas for an hour. No one came or went, but I added a camera to his mailbox, pointed at the house, just in case something interesting happens.”

“Like what?” I ask.

“Anything,” Carmine replies. “We don’t know enough about him at this point to know who he’s involved with or how he’s been spending the past dozen years.”

My father is alive.

That piece of shit is still allowed to breathe?


“You should have told me.” I glare at the man I love and turn to run out of the kitchen.

I’m too angry to stay. I’ll end up saying something I regret. Instead, I run up to my bedroom and pace for a moment, and then make a snap decision.

I’m going to go find that asshole and kill him myself. This is what I’ve been training for, isn’t it?

I quickly grab my laptop and purse and hurry down the stairs and out the front door, but stop short when I see the security guard named Peter blocking my way.


“Oh, hi.” I offer him a charming smile. “I was hoping I would run into you. Shane told me to find you and ask you to drive me to the airport.”

He narrows his eyes. I’d better talk fast if I’m going to make him believe me.

“He’s currently in a meeting with his father and the others and can’t be interrupted. He said you’d take care of me.”

“He said no such thing.”

My eyes close at the hard voice behind me. Shit.

Chapter 18


“What do you think you’re doing?” I demand when I get Ivie back inside. She’s quivering with anger, and frankly, I’m just as pissed.

“I’m going to Dallas. To kill my father.”

I blink at her and then shake my head. “Like hell, you are.”

“Like hell, I’m not.” She narrows those spectacular eyes on me. “You’ve been training me for weeks. Do you think I’m not capable of this?”

“I think you’re perfectly capable, Ivie. What I won’t allow is having you sneak out of here to go there alone.”

“Oh, you won’t allow me?” She drops her bag to the floor and crosses her arms over her chest. “Because I’m what, your child?”

“Now you’re just pissing me off for the sake of pissing me off.”

“No, I’m being an adult woman who doesn’t need your permission for anything, Shane. You’re not my father or my husband.”

We’ll be rectifying that little detail as soon as possible. But now isn’t the time or place to propose.

She’d tell me to shove the ring up my ass.

“Now, excuse me. I need to go call a cab.”

“No, damn it.” I take her arm but quickly let go when she swings around and punches me in the jaw, just the way we taught her. “Hell.”

“I’m not playing around, Shane.”

“Obviously. Fine, but you’re not going alone.”

She starts to argue, but I’ve had about enough of this bullshit.

“Stop talking for two fucking minutes.” I pace in a circle, frustration pulsing through me. “We’ll go to Dallas, but you won’t go by yourself. If you think I’d be okay with that, in any universe, you don’t know me at all.”

“You’re right. I thought I knew you, but all you do is fucking lie to me.”

“Stop it. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know if it was fucking true. You wondered, as well when we saw his name tied to those phone records. I wasn’t going to tell you something that would change your entire world off hearsay, Ivie. We needed eyes on him. Confirmation. And then I was going to tell you. Today. I needed the intel from Rocco.”

“I should have been in on the information from the get-go. And then, if it wasn’t true, I should have known that, too. I’m not some damsel in distress here, Shane. Now, get me to Dallas, or I’ll go myself.”

I want to shake her. I want her to

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