Haunted - Sunny Wolfe Page 0,25

buddy and took him back, huh?”

“I would be a fool not to, ya know?”

“Oh my God, she is so southern. You didn’t tell me that. It’s cute.”

My hand flew to my mouth in embarrassment.

“She’s from Tennessee. What did you expect, a Russian accent?” Roman pulled my hand from my mouth and kissed each finger. “What do you want, butt wipe? You just embarrassed my girl. Her face turned all pink and everything. I need to go so I can console her.”

I giggled as his hand ran over my butt.

“I just wanted to make sure you got your happy ending, bud.”

I thought that was so sweet. Men were cute about their bromances. All of a sudden, I felt an overwhelming urge to include Berg. From everything Roman told me, Berg was his family, his only family.

“We’re getting married. You want to come?” I called out to the phone.

“You are?” He paused for a moment. “When and where?”

“Not sure yet, but we’ll text you with the information,” I said.

“I’m still in New York. Call me with the scoop.” He hung up.

“So how are we going to do this?” Roman looked at me confused. “I don’t want to put off us getting married. I want to do it as soon as possible.”

“Watch and learn.” I took his phone and scrolled for Phoebe’s number. She’d told me he had it.

“Hello?” Phoebe asked.

“It’s Beth.”

“Whose number is this?”

“It’s Roman’s phone.”

“Shut the front door.”

I laughed at her. “Guess what I’m doing?”

“You mean besides a sweaty rock star in your bed right now?”

“I’m getting married.”

“No fucking way! When?”

“As soon as possible,” Roman shouted into the phone.

“Not without me, you aren’t!”

I laughed because I knew Phoebe would jump on this like a fat kid jumping into a funnel cake.

“We need a place.”

“I’ll grab a notebook and I will be over there in ten minutes. I’ll call Eve on my way over.”

Chapter 14 – Beth

By three in the afternoon, all the planning was done. Gotta love Tennessee. Between Eve and Phoebe everything was complete. For most of the chapels, their last wedding appointments were at six in the evening, and the weddings usually lasted an hour and a half. But with Phoebe’s persistence and Roman’s credit card limit, we had very little problems. Our wedding was going to be at eight thirty Saturday night. Technically, the chapel was closed, but since we were celebrities and we had money, we were in like Flynn.

We picked a beautiful chapel that had an outside area where we could say our vows. It was early fall, so the weather was perfect. The air had just that twinge of autumn. The chapel supplied everything from the food to the wedding cake. Using their website, we picked everything from the decorations to the wedding area. Everything was set.

“Okay, here is the list for you two. One, get your wedding license. Here are the directions. The office closes at five. Two, you need wedding rings. You can stop by the jewelry store on the way home from the license. Third, Beth, you need to get a dress. Eve and I will take you shopping at ten tomorrow morning. That’s the way to do a wedding.” Phoebe leaned back in her chair.

I started clapping and Roman and Eve joined me. Phoebe deserved it.

“Roman, Eve talked to Berg. He and your bandmates will be flying in at eleven in the morning. You will take Beth’s CRV to pick them up at the airport, and this is the hotel where they are booked. Berg said that you and the band have some nice suits from your wardrobe woman in New York, and the suits will come with him. Beth, did you call Eric?”

“Yes, Eric, Tara, and Joey will meet us at the chapel. Eric told me he will get Joey a suit.” I grinned, thinking of Joey in a suit. “That’s it? Everything done?” I asked Phoebe again.

“Wedding chapels kick ass. They make everything so easy. Now you two go get the wedding license before it screws up my groove. By the way, rock star, I booked you at the Hampton Inn tonight. Can’t let you stay here. It’s the night before the wedding.”

Roman looked horrified. Phoebe busted out laughing.

“I’m just messing with you. But, after we leave to go buy a dress in the morning, we don’t want to see you until the chapel. Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Now go. Get your license.”

We left to run our errands. I was thrilled to be near him. This almost felt like a dream.

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