Harley in the Sky - Akemi Dawn Bowman Page 0,87

with the trapeze controls and the safety net, I only see Vas.

“Oh my God,” I repeat. “Did… Did that really happen?”

Vas’s laugh starts off nervous and restrained, but when he runs his hand through his hair, it turns euphoric. “We’re closing the show. Simon is letting us close the show.”

“Why do you look so surprised? I thought you said we had nothing to worry about?” I raise a brow, my face wild with joy.

“I only said that to make you feel better,” he says. “I never in a million years thought it would go that smoothly. I thought he’d demand changes, or tell me the music wasn’t good enough, or… I don’t know. Something.” And then he turns to me with starry eyes. “It’s because you’re magic when you’re up there. That’s why he said yes. I bet he couldn’t take his eyes off you.”

“Yeah, right.” I roll my eyes.

“It’s true,” he insists. “And the audience won’t be able to take their eyes off you either.”

My heart flutters, he smiles, and then I’m in his arms again and we’re giggling with our noses pushed together, stealing kisses beneath the spotlights.


The rest of the cast insists on taking us out to dinner. The Terzi Brothers seem almost relieved to have their old slot back. Vivien just seems excited I’m officially part of the show. And Dexi keeps mentioning what a huge deal it is that Simon is going with a plan he didn’t come up with himself.

She tells me it means I’m the real deal.

I don’t know about that, because I don’t feel real.

I feel like a girl with an Infinity Stone for a heart, and any moment I’m going to split in two, again and again, until there’s a billion of me, because this is too much happiness for just one person.


Vas drives the two of us back to camp on his bike. When I slide off the seat and pull the helmet over my head, I realize I haven’t stopped smiling since this morning.

When Vas pulls his own helmet off, it looks like he might be thinking the same.

“I don’t know how I’m going to sleep tonight,” I say with a laugh. “I’m way too excited about Thursday.”

Vas pulls off his gloves, his eyes going serious.

“What?” I frown.

When he looks up, his cheeks are pink with awkward embarrassment. “I was going to offer to make you a hot drink, to help you sleep, but I realized it might seem like I’m just trying to get you alone in my trailer.”

“I’ve been to your trailer plenty of times,” I point out with a laugh.

“Yeah, but that was before, when we were working.” He pauses. “And Jin is… sleeping over at a friend’s house.”

“Oh.” My cheeks go pink too.

“But we could go to the Lunch Box, if you’d feel more comfortable. They do hot chocolate and—” Vas starts.

I take a few steps toward his trailer door and motion toward the lock.

His shoulders relax, and he finds his keys.

When we’re inside, Vas gets out honey, jam, and a combination of spices from one of the kitchen cupboards. He places a pot on the electric stove, and before long a sweet and spicy fragrance fills the trailer.

“That smells amazing.” I breathe in deeply.

Vas grins. “It’s called sbiten. My mom used to make it for me when I was sick. I guess I’ve always associated it with comfort, in a way.” He stirs the simmering liquid carefully, his eyes lost in thought.

“What was she like?” I ask.

It takes him a moment to gather his words. “Strict,” he says with a laugh. “But kind, too. Her entire life was the circus, but it was such hard work. I think she wanted me to have an easier time with it, which is why she sent me to London to live with Maggie’s family. She wanted me to share her dream, but with more opportunities. But I never loved it like she did. I loved the violin.” He adjusts the stove a bit. “When I was still in London, I was going to quit my training, but then my mom got sick before I got the chance to tell her. I didn’t really feel like I could quit after that. It felt like I’d be letting her down too much.”

“I’m sorry,” I say.

He nods.

I wonder if he wants me to change the subject, but then he says the words that seem to break his heart all over again.

“She died when I was out here, performing

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