Harley in the Sky - Akemi Dawn Bowman Page 0,34

the violin wasn’t meant for me. It couldn’t be.

Because the violin and its beautiful music belong only to him.

Vas stands in the center of the ring, surrounded by over a hundred empty chairs. The lights above him are dimmed. Moody. And he’s facing away from me, his dark wooden instrument tucked under his chin.

I watch his fingers dance across the strings, vibrating when he holds the long notes that make my heart ache.

I feel myself swaying without really thinking, and I realize it reminds me of when I was a child hanging out in Dad’s office.

He was always practicing—always writing something new. And usually he was fine with me listening, as long as listening was all I did. Under no circumstances was I ever meant to make a sound.

But I stayed anyway, because Dad’s music was beautiful. Is beautiful.

And I stole the thing that means the most to him to trade it for the thing that means the most to me.

I wish there were a way to make that sound less selfish.

How much longer will it take for Dad to realize I broke his heart?

Regret tethers itself to my heart, spilling through my veins like Venom taking over Spider-Man. I don’t want to let it in. I can’t—not when I’ve risked so much to get here. I need to see this through. I need to prove myself before I make sense of what I’ve done to my parents.

But the music rips through me anyway, and all I can see is Dad in his office, smiling at his little girl.

I blink, tearing myself away from Vas and his violin before he has a chance to realize I’m there.


As the afternoon wears on, it becomes more and more apparent that people are avoiding me. They’re not outright rude about it, which I guess is nice. But they either avert their eyes or pretend they don’t see me at all.

This morning I asked one of the magicians if they’d seen Dexi, and they got so flustered I spoke to them that they turned around midway through their answer and walked off.

It feels unfair. Like maybe what I did doesn’t deserve this kind of reaction. At least not from strangers who don’t even know me.

But even though this isn’t the fresh start I imagined, the battered piece of hope that’s tethered to my heart urges me to keep going. To adapt.

I can’t force people to like me. But maybe if I keep myself busy enough, I’ll stop noticing when they don’t.

I spend a lot of time wandering around, trying to get used to the layout of this place, and to understand how it works—what the rules are—so I can avoid ignorantly stepping on any toes. But most of the performers are on such a strict rehearsal schedule that not having anything to do makes me feel even more out of place.

I’m like one of those betta fish, stuck in a tiny container, watching all the other fish across the aisle swimming in a big aquarium. An outsider with a bad reputation. A fish, but not one of the fish.

What I want more than anything right now is just to feel like I have somewhere to be.

So when I check the schedule and see that Vivien is in the rehearsal tent, an overpowering amount of relief floods through me. I know we’re not best friends or anything, but Vivien and Dexi are the only people who make me feel like there’s still a chance things might change. Like there’s still a chance I might one day join the other fish.

Vivien is in the middle of her act, smiling to an imaginary crowd with a blindfold over her eyes. Her dark braids are tied back with a thin scarf, and she’s wearing a purple tank top and black leggings. The glint of a silver blade peeks through between each of her fingers like she’s a menacing, clawed creature out of a horror movie. She throws one, two, three knives at her target board, hitting a trio of colorful balloons that pop beneath each blade. Then four, five, six, pop, pop, pop.

It’s enthralling to watch her, the way her body moves like a cat prowling through the grass. She’s strong, and subtle, and so very deadly. She’s juggling a new set of knives a moment later, the board of balloons now spinning. It’s hypnotic. She’s hypnotic. She turns and throws, turns and throws, turns and throws—everything is moving faster and faster, like a chase scene nearing

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