Hammered (Blue Bay Crew #3)- Cathryn Fox Page 0,55

The truth is, we’ve all been busy getting Dad’s business in the black, and none of us guys have wanted to take the job on, or maybe it’s just that none of us have wanted to come back here. I don’t think any of us have had good memories, but it’s time to change all that, I think.

I drop the fishing gear into the boat, and hold my hand out to her and she takes it. “Easy,” I say as she steps into the boat and sits. I untie the boat, and hop in. I stand and rock it teasingly, and she grips the sides.

“Tyler, stop. I don’t want to land in the water.”

I drop down next to her. “You’re safe with me, Haven. I promise.”

She smiles at me and it fucks me over a bit. I turn my attention to the engine. I put gas in it earlier, and gave it a good going over and even though it hasn’t been used in a while, it’s still in working order. Haven picks up one of the fishing rods and looks it over, examining it like it’s a bug under a microscope. It amazes me how few experiences she’s had. Now that she’s under my care, that’s all going to change. I plan to give her all kinds of new experiences, inside the bedroom and out.

I start the engine and take us to the middle of the lake. I power down, and silence surrounds us as I settle in next to her again. She lifts her head to the stars, and takes in the dark night. “You don’t see these kinds of stars in L.A.”

I put my arm around her as I look upward. “See that right there,” I say and point. “That’s the big dipper. Right beside it is the little dipper.”

“Really?” she says and wraps her arms around herself. “Are you just making that up?”

“No, look.” I trace it out and her eyes light up.

“I’ve never seen that before.” She casts me a glance, childlike enthusiasm on her face as I reach for the blanket I brought. The night air can get cold in Blue Bay, so I wrap it around her and she snuggles in to it.

Once she’s comfortable, I say, “The big dipper is known as the Ursa Major, the big bear. The little dipper is known as the Ursa Minor, the little bear. They have seven stars each.” I smile at her and wait to see if she’s impressed with my knowledge.

“Wow, pretty and smart,” she teases.

I chuckle. “I remember all this from school because of the big bear that nearly mauled me, and my dog Bear who saved me. It’s not because I was a good student.” She shifts closer and I want to know everything about this woman. “I know you were schooled on the set, but did you enjoy school?”

“I actually did. I was a good student.”

“What was your favorite subject?”

Her mouth twists. “Hmm, if I had to choose, I think I’d say history.”

“No way.”

She arches a brow. “You seem surprised.”

“I hated history. All we ever did was study boring old men.”

She laughs, and kisses my cheek playfully. “Maybe I like old men.”

“Hey, I resemble that comment.”

“You’re far from old, Tyler.” She glances at the stars again. “I guess I like learning about different civilizations, different times. I always thought if I could understand my past, I could figure out my future.”

“How’s that working for you?” I ask, not to sound like an asshole, but I’m really curious.

“Not so great. I’ve learned more about myself this last week than I have in the last twenty-seven years.”

My heart tightens, knowing I’m a big part of the reason why. Goddammit, I want everything for this woman. She might have had a shitty past, but I want her to live her best life.

Are you living your best life, Tyler?

“I’m glad you’re enjoying your time here.” I pull her in close, needing her pressed against me.

“You really didn’t like school?” she asks as I breathe in her sweet-smelling hair.

“None of us Owens boys did, except for maybe Jacob. He was always good at math and great with numbers. My favorite class was detention.”

She laughs at that. “Detention? Are you kidding me?”

“Nope. I spent a lot of time in detention.” I poke my finger into my chest. “Authority issues, remember.”

She gives me a look like I just sprouted a second head. “Why on earth would you like it?”

“Well,” I begin. “First, there was hardly any supervision. Mr.

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