Hammered (Blue Bay Crew #3)- Cathryn Fox Page 0,54

for me, and to belong to a big family is rooted in my childhood, but it’s absolutely insane how much I want that to be true. Despite the fact that we have no future. Right?

I take a shaky breath and he gives a quick shake of his head. “Look. I have to be there,” he begins, his voice lacking the warmth from a second ago. “Since I can’t let you out of my sight, you have to be there too.”

Alrighty then. Guess he doesn’t think of me as his own, and I need to get my head out of the clouds. This is not a fairy tale for cripes sakes. Someone left threatening letters and he’s watching over me, protecting me and his family from danger, the way any of the Owens boys would.

“Wait, does Kylee know we’re coming for dinner?”

He glances at his watch. “She will in about five minutes.”

I shake my head. “Things are done so differently in Blue Bay. If I ever showed up at my parents’ place…”

“They wouldn’t welcome you?” He frowns like he can’t wrap his brain around that.

“It’s not that, so much. It’s just we always call first, make appointments, that sort of thing.”

“Well, that’s fucking sad.”

I nod. I guess it kind of is. “If you think it’s okay if we just stop in, I’m okay, but can we stop at Benny’s and grab a pie or something?”

“Yeah, sure,” he says with a shrug and drives the short distance to the center of town. The streets are filled with locals and vacationers, who all begin to point and chatter as I exit the car. Normally I wear glasses, a hat and scarf, but I don’t know, for some reason, with Tyler by my side, I don’t mind being recognized.

“I bet they’d love some autographs,” Tyler says.

“You think?” I ask, always feeling a bit awkward about that.

“Yes, but it’s up to you, Haven. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. You’re entitled to your privacy, and don’t always have to please others.”

I make a face. “Are you sure? That doesn’t sound right.”

He takes my hands in his. “Tell me, what it is you want to do?”

“I would, but I believe you told me I couldn’t say dirty things to you in public.”

His grin is wicked. “You’re going to pay for that.”

“God, I hope so.” I take a breath, and for the first time in a long time, think about what it is I want to do. “I’d love to sign for everyone.”

He holds his hands up to wave everyone over. “Come meet Haven, everyone. She’d love to sign an autograph for you if you’d like.” Soon enough people are surrounding us, and I catch Tyler’s eye, the way he’s standing back, arms crossed, scanning the crowd. My shoulders relax, everything about the way he’s in charge, cocoons me in a blanket of safety as I meet and greet the locals. Soon enough, the crowd dies down and Tyler captures my hand in his. “Come on. Let’s go say hello to Kylee and Jamie, and then you’re mine for the rest of the night.”



Two hours later, after visiting with Kylee and Jamie, we’re back at the cabin, and with the sun setting, we walk to the dock with all our fishing supplies in hand, and Haven glances at the lake. She takes a deep breath and her shoulders relax as she lets the air out. I take in her contentment, and love seeing her like this. Christ, when I first met her, her shoulders were hugging her ears, and every nerve in her body was firing. Over the last little while, the tension has slowly been draining from her body.

She enjoyed meeting my family tonight, but she’s never quite herself around them—never really lets her guard down. I’m hoping that’s going to change soon, especially after our big Sunday dinner. After years spent acting and pretending to be someone else, it’s hard for her, and deep inside, she’s this innocent girl who just wants to be liked. When she’s with me, however, she’s exactly who she’s meant to be, and I’m glad I can bring that out in her.

“It’s so beautiful here,” she says softly, her voice carrying in the quiet night.

“Beautiful being the key word,” I say, and she turns my way and smiles.

“I can’t believe you have this lake all to yourself.”

It’s not a huge lake, but big enough that we could clear the land and put a few cottages around it.

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