The Ground Rules_ Undone - Roya Carmen Page 0,85

The only thing Gabe and Greg have in common is a love of sports and beer. Although Gabe likes your classic American beers like Budweiser, Coors Light and Rolling Rock, and Greg seems to favor foreign beers like Heineken, Stella Artois, Alexander Keith’s and Corona with lime… like a certain person I know, who shall remain nameless, who I shall stop thinking about.

I shake my head. Maybe Gabe is right. Maybe I need to put some distance between us. But I have a bad feeling that even if we were miles apart, on different continents even, oceans dividing us, we’d still think about each other every day. I blow out a breath at the thought. I wish I had never met him. I wish I could just forget him.

Gwen cheers, giving me a squeeze. “It’s so nice to see you.”

We clink bottles. “You too.”

My eyes dart from her to my kids splashing in the pool. Claire wears her pink princess water wings. She can swim now, but I would never trust her in there without water wings. She always looks like she’s struggling when she swims, but I suppose that’s the way all kids are when they first learn.

“I can’t believe school starts this week,’ she says. “I’m not sure I’m looking forward to it.”

“I am. I need the distraction. But it is a little earlier than usual this year.”

She studies me for a moment. “Yes, how have you been? Are you well enough to go back?”

I smile at her. “I’m good.” And this time, I don’t lie. I’m actually pretty good, all things considered.

We have a great afternoon, splashing around in the pool, chatting, laughing and enjoying Greg’s gourmet burgers and Gwen’s macaroni salad — one of the few things she can make.

We chat about Gabe’s work, the new school year, summer escapades, the girls’ new obsession with creating pictures with tiny glittery foam squares and making bracelets with tiny colorful elastics. Gabe tells them all about the little squares stuck to the floor and the tiny elastics found in the strangest of places, tucked in all corners of the house.

“I should probably vacuum more often,” I joke.

And all the while, I wonder what Weston is doing. Is he with his children? With Bridget? Could they have possibly gotten back together, or is he still waiting for me? I hope for all our sakes, that he’s sitting beside her today at some fancy country club luncheon. I can almost see them…

She’s dressed in a smart cream chic two-piece. She presses the folds out of her skirt, and adjusts her little stylish hat. He’s dressed in a sleek suit, tells his kids to use their linen napkins, and makes idle chit-chat with old money.

Yes, I want everything to be as it was before we all fucked things up royally.

The girls are so excited this morning I can hardly get a spoonful of food in them. The first day of school is always like this. I’ve dressed them in matching black shorts and frilly tops and matching flowered headbands. Claire’s is pink and Chloe’s is purple. Chloe was none too pleased with me and I begged her to cooperate, just this once. I’ve worn a soft coral skirt, sheer white blouse, camisole with pink colored lace detailing, and sensible pink ballet flats.

Our home life might not be perfect but at least, we look good. I’m so glad to be going back to work. I definitely need the distraction. With the separation, the miscarriage and this on-going drama with Weston, I’m going absolutely bonkers. And work always grounds me. That’s exactly what I need right now — to be grounded. Because I feel like I’m flying in all directions, caught up in a windstorm.

My school kids are adorable, as always. I take in the details of them, focusing on remembering names, twenty-one little humans thrown at you all at once. I had the list but I haven’t perused it. I’ve been so naughty.

I can tell straight away which ones will be the leaders and the Chatty-Cathies, and which ones will be the introverts; the quiet ones in the corner, faces buried in books. I’m always drawn to those quiet kids. They remind me of myself. And there’s always the ‘troublemaker’ — it never fails. This year, it’s a red curly haired, freckled boy by the name of Sebastian, and he’s a handful. He manages to break two toys, completely messes up the counting station, and makes three classmates cry…all on the first Copyright 2016 - 2024