Grip (The Driven World) - Lacey Black Page 0,87

her face, but it’s her eyes that make me pause.

“It’s okay,” I reply. My voice must cause Lena to stir awake.

The moment our eyes meet, she smiles a slow, sexy grin, and I feel it in my groin. As quickly as it appears, it vanishes when she looks over my shoulder and sees Alison standing in the doorway.

“I’ll just go back out there,” Alison says sweetly, pointing her thumb over her shoulder. She tosses us a quick wave before disappearing from my bedroom.

My eyes return to the woman in bed with me. “Did you have a nice nap?”

She stretches, drawing my gaze to her glorious tits. “Yep. Did you?”

“Mmmm,” I reply, as I carefully pull my arm out from under my son. Then, I move, quick as a cat. I’m over Oliver and on top of Lena within seconds. I press my hard body down into her much softer one, loving the way her curves fit so perfectly against me. “That’s better,” I whisper before taking her lips with my own.

Her sweet lips part, opening up for me. So I take what’s mine, my tongue pressing inside her mouth and tasting her. It’s like a homecoming. A celebration. A union.



I stand beside my car, my right hand over my heart and Oliver’s tiny hand wrapped around my left index finger. It’s sort of our thing. A prerace ritual, of sorts. I’ve had one for years, but since Oliver and Lena arrived, I’ve made a few changes to it. Before, I always stood with Coop and sometimes Colton, but never with a woman beside me.

There’s a camera just off to my right, so I keep my face focused on the American flag and just beyond that, Alison. I don’t know why I feel so uneasy with her. She’s been perfectly respectful of my space, keeping back and watching Lena with Oliver. But, still…there’s just something about her that gives me pause.

The moment the national anthem is sung, I turn to my son in Lena’s arms. He’s awake, the headphones practically swallowing up his little head, but there’s a light in his eyes when he looks at me. I bend down and kiss his forehead, the camera moving closer to capture the moment between father and son.

With my hand on Lena’s side, I give her a squeeze, as usual. She smiles widely, and says, “Kick ass, Mack.”

Fuck, I want to kiss her so badly.

Instead, I convey my desire to kiss her through touch, my fingers curling into her back and sliding along her spine. I lean in and whisper, “Taking names, Baby. See you in victory lane.” With a wink, I give my full attention to my crew chief and team, knowing they’ll be taken care of.

Now, it’s time to go to work.

I’m strapped into my car as Coop goes over a few details of today’s race. The moment he tells me to get ready to fire my engine, Colton’s voice comes through the headset. “Just wanted to wish you luck today, Cruz. Stay safe and bring home a win.”

“Thanks, boss,” I reply just as the cue to fire our engines is given.

I grip my steering wheel, my hands more at home there than anywhere else. Well, maybe a second to Lena’s body, but a damn close one. This is my element, my drive.

My time.

We start to file off pit road. I’m already moving, warming my tires, in preparation for the green flag. Cold tires mean no traction, which is why me and the rest of the field are all swinging from side to side in our lines. Daniels is directly behind me. Fucker better get used to the view.

“Next time around will be green,” Coop says calmly, not an ounce of nerves evident in his voice.

I settle in and focus on the track, on my game, and the moment the green flag drops, I take off. My tires have good grip, but I can tell my car is a little loose. It’s all I can do to hold my line and keep from giving up positions.

Daniels is now beside me, fighting hard for my place. “How’s the car handling?” Coop asks.

“Looser than Peggy Sue on prom night,” I reply, giving him a canned response I’ve said since I started.

“We’ll make an adjustment on your first pit. Daniels is right there. Don’t battle him for position if your car isn’t handling that well.”

I know he’s right, but I fucking hate it. I hate losing a position, especially to Daniels. “Ten-four.”

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