Grip (The Driven World) - Lacey Black Page 0,80

all I feel, all I want.

“Is this what you wanted?” I ask, grinding my groin into her ass.

Lena moans and wiggles against me, seeking every ounce of friction she can find. “God, yes.”

“Well, hang on, baby. This is going to be a fast ride,” I tell her, as I grip her hip and thrust hard again.

She’s already pulsing, tightening around my dick, and I know there’s no way I’ll last much longer. I’m too consumed. Lena reaches down between her legs. I feel her fingers squeeze my balls, and I swear I almost come. Right there. She releases my boys but doesn’t remove her hand. I hear her gasp and moan and can picture exactly what she’s doing. She’s rubbing her clit and that thought sends me over the edge.

My spine tingles as my orgasm barrels at me, full steam ahead. I’m unable to keep my grunts and gasps quiet, especially when she clamps down on my cock and rears back, thrusting her ass at me and riding me as she comes, milking my cock of everything I have.

“Holy shit,” she mumbles, falling limp on the ladder platform.

I lean against her back and struggle to suck in oxygen. I can feel the deep pound of her heartbeat through her spine. It’s calming and relaxing. My open lips glide over the ridges and sweet, soft skin. I can smell and taste the chlorine on her back mixed with a touch of sweat. My cock jumps in response to her nearness, to the unique fragrance that’s purely Lena.

Finally, I pull out and slide back into the water, mostly because my legs won’t seem to hold me up any longer. I float on my back again, just trying to regulate my heartbeat and calm my breathing. I hear the subtle splash of her reentry into the water and feel her arms graze across my chest. I sit up and wrap my arms around her, leaning back against the side of the pool, and holding her close.

Lena takes a deep breath. “I’m sure today was a surprise to you. We haven’t really talked about the nanny search lately, but I guess I just felt it was time. I’m leaving in just over a week.” I swear I can hear the heartbreak and pain in that last sentence.

I want to ask her to stay—I almost do—but I remember what her dad said. She has to make the decision. Even if it’s not the one I want her to make, I’ll live. I don’t know how, really, not without her by my side, but I’ve managed before, and I’ll figure it out again. “It was,” I confirm, kissing the crown of her head. “But you’re right. It’s time.”

Saying those words hurts more than a knife to the chest.

I place my fingers under her chin and raise her head until our eyes lock. “I just want you to know you’re always welcome here, Lean. Always. I understand this isn’t your scene, what you want for your life, but know my door is always open to you. If you ever change your mind, come back.”

She swallows hard as tears fill her eyes. “You can’t say that, Mack. Someday, you’ll want to move on.”

I’m already shaking my head. “Won’t happen. There’s only one woman for me.” I feel her tense in my arms. “I’m not saying that to guilt you or anything, just stating a fact. At the end of the day, or at the end of our six weeks, I want you to be happy, Lean. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

Her tears fall as she looks up at me. “And I want you happy, too, Mack.”

“Then go home and live the life you were meant to have, Lena.”

I hold her against my chest as she cries until we’re both pruney and exhausted from sex and emotions. Taking her hand in mine, I lead her to the ladder and watch her naked ass as she steps out. We both just grab our clothes, neither of us worried about the state of our nakedness, as we move quickly to the back door. Once it’s locked behind us, we head upstairs, our clothes disregarded in a heap on the master bedroom floor.

Lena slips into the guest bath to brush her teeth and get ready for bed, while I check on Oliver. It won’t be long and he’ll be awake, looking for more food, but in the meantime, I plan to hold Lena close for as long as possible.

Because our time together Copyright 2016 - 2024